

WORLD VIEW: Small states in the global arena - navigating survival and sovereignty

In the international arena, small states consistently grapple with existential threats.

Connection between cultural maintenance and conservation

We last left off discussing the proper upkeep of our national identity and the tools needed to achieve that goal.

KDK REPORT: A split second, part 2

THERE’S an overwhelming sense of easiness and simplicity to life in Louisiana.

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What is cultural maintenance and can it fortify the future for young Bahamians?

YOUTH Ambassador Jervon Sands writes the first in a series of articles speaking to young Bahamians, talking about issues that affect the country. He starts by looking at the idea of cultural maintenance - and what that means for Bahamians.

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SIR RONALD SANDERS: From COP to courtroom: ITLOS sets new precedents for climate accountability

ON May 21, 2024, the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) delivered its Advisory Opinion on climate change and international law, in a case led by two courageous leaders of Small Island States, Prime Minister Gaston Browne of Antigua and Barbuda and former Prime Minister Kausea Natano of Tuvalu.

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THE KDK REPORT: A split second, part one

THERE are days when life is so full of splendor and majesty that you can’t stop smiling. Consequently, like two halves of a coin, the inverse can also be true because light and dark co-exist on an ever-present basis. And, on the days when life feels dark and devoid of joy, time virtually stops. In the worst of circumstances, the grief is all-consuming. In the space where on a good day there would be happiness, there is only emptiness and it feels like it will last forever.

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Minnis faces a defining week for his future

THE FNM convention is almost upon us – by this time next week, it will all be over and we will know if Michael Pintard has been confirmed as the returning leader or if Dr Hubert Minnis has won what looks at this stage like a very unlikely victory.

Why US offshore wind power is struggling – the good, the bad and the opportunity

America’s first large-scale offshore wind farms began sending power to the Northeast in early 2024, but a wave of wind farm project cancellations and rising costs have left many people with doubts about the industry’s future in the US.

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Local shark feeding operations and how to reduce bite chances

MY name is André Musgrove. I’m a professional underwater photographer, shark diver, and spearfisherman from the Bahamas, and have extensive experience working with sharks and shark scientists worldwide, including Tiger Sharks, Bull Sharks, and Great White Sharks.

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If BPL deal is good, why the secrecy?

HAS the PLP got cold feet all of a sudden over its plans for Bahamas Power and Light?

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INSIGHT: Game on for FNM...but will party make most of convention?

The FNM has named the date for the convention that should take it through to the next election.

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THE KDK REPORT: The vanishing sun

THE recent solar eclipse lasted just four minutes. During those four minutes, many parts of the world were cast into total darkness and, collectively, we were all reminded of the awe and mystery of this planet. In those moments, I couldn’t help but wonder what our ancestors thought of such a phenomenon. One can safely assume they didn’t have safety eyewear to protect their confused gazes as the day’s light suddenly disappeared without explanation. They also didn’t have the comfort of knowing that the acute darkness was fleeting. So, while four minutes for us felt short and we wished it could last longer. For them it must have been terrifyingly long.

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GAIN AN EDGE: Conversation and compromise: Elevating the youth voice in climate action

Ashawnté Russell, a biology major with a minor in chemistry at University of The Bahamas (UB), is painfully aware that The Bahamas is under threat and her recent year-long service in the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) reinforced that certainty. It also opened doors for the youth voice – hers included – to be elevated in national and global conversations about climate change.

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WORLD VIEW: Is Ecuador’s expulsion from the UN really the answer to the diplomatic crisis with Mexico?

THE Mexican government has taken the significant step of asking the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to “suspend Ecuador as member of the United Nations” and also to “initiate the process of expulsion under article 6 of the United Nations Charter”.

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INSIGHT: Earth Day 2024, another squandered opportunity

EVERY year, on April 22, the world marks Earth Day – to some extent or another. The day is a US creation – way back in 1970 organisers wanted to throw a spotlight on the environmental problems facing the country. It has expanded far and beyond since. Here in The Bahamas, you would be forgiven if you had not noticed much about the day.
