Boost your memory with ginko

By Dr Betty Adderley

BY AGE 40, or perhaps earlier, a number of persons begin to notice early signs of memory loss and mental slow down. Just as good nutrition and proper exercise will keep your heart in shape well into your later years, you must nurture your brain properly in order to remain sharp and alert.
There are several natural ingredients that increase brain power, such as omega 3 fish oil, Q10, vitamins C and E and ginkgo biloba. Ginkgo is the most powerful of all and is known as food for thought or brain food.

Ginkgo is one of the oldest plants in herbal and natural medicine. It is commonly used for memory loss and degenerative diseases of the brain and central nervous system.
Ginkgo is known to increase the circulation of blood and oxygen to all parts of the body. The herb is thought to also be effective in complaints of ringing in the ears, headache, pain in the legs and sinusitis.

Studies show that the herb brings relief to muscle loss, which results in the shaking typically experienced in Parkinson’s disease.
More than 400 studies have shown that ginkgo improves cerebral circulation and memory, and can even treat Alzheimer’s disease. Ginkgo is widely known for more mental acuity, helping the brain to recover from strokes, damaged nerve cells and clogged arteries. In one particular study, geriatric patients said ginkgo made them more alert and gave them a more positive outlook on life. It follows that since ginkgo improves blood circulation to the brain, it may also reduce the risk of heart attacks. Research further shows that ginkgo may also prevent radical damage to the kidneys, liver and urinary tract complications.
Ginkgo contains amino acids, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, vitamins A and C, and an array of vitamin B.

As a result of these properties, we can appreciate that in some instances poor nutrition and deficiencies are major factors that can cause memory loss and other diseases. It has been discovered that ginkgo, when combined with Chinese herbs rishi mushroom, schisandra berries and cured fo-ti, yields greater potential benefits. These herbs allow the ginkgo to be absorbed more quickly into the system and therefore greater benefits are derived, says a famous Chinese herbalist Dr Albert Laing. This combination is present in a highly recommended, all natural product, Ginkgo Plus, which is known to generate amazing results.

Why don’t you start taking ginkgo today to maintain your memory and thinking capacity? Remember, prevention is better than cure.

• Dr Betty Adderley is a veteran educator, a trained Christian counsellor, a certified nutritionist in herbal and natural remedies and an experienced network marketing coach.

For more information on natural health and beauty products, call 361-5435 or e-mail bett_on@yahoo.com.


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