Why the fuss over Minnis?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I cannot see what all of the fuss is about Dr Minnis. I understand the problem of those who think he should be doing something more dynamic or entertaining; the old “trying to inspire and motivate so that people can see a difference” spiel. I do not think we need to be “inspired”, we are sick of the lies that come to the fore every five years or so.

Ironically, the only leader who has made a marked difference when it comes to leadership for “all Bahamians” is Hubert Alexander Ingraham, and he did not give two hoots about the stuff that “people who we thought had sense were making noise about”. Our backs are against the wall, again! And we do not really need the sweet talk that even our journalists and would be political pundits want us to accept as standard fare.

Personally, I have been impressed with the ongoing evolution of Dr Minnis and his ability to step up to the plate and do what is required. There are persons who were not as vocal when they were in office of deputy Prime Minister coming forward to give their two cents; apparently they have found their voices at a time when any contribution they would want to make is suspect.

I enjoyed the presentation of the opening of the Morton Salt Administration building on Cable 12. It was a very good documentary on what Morton Salt has accomplished over the years and it also gave the nation an opportunity to critique Dr Minnis on the public persona issue that some of us with no patience seem to have a problem with. His presentation began in a manner that was low-keyed, the thing that “we who watch” seem to have an issue with in this media-driven era, but then an amazing thing happened, he shifted to a platform that related to his profession and we got the Hubert Minnis no one expected. We also got a view of the Minnis that some of us would like to see. Articulate, responsive, speaking from a place that only he could speak from and I think he realised in this presentation what it was that was missing from his pubic deliveries.

The connection he made was almost electric, he was not speaking as a politician who was a doctor; he was speaking as a “person” who understood in that moment that his profession and his politics go together and they are not to be separated.

The fact that there was no prepared text before him, told me that no one really needs a text when they are speaking from the heart about what they know and believe to speak before him or after him at public events, especially when the public has been made aware of all the deficiencies ascribed to him.

What has been demanded of Dr Minnis by the naysayers should also be the standard for all of those who aspire to lead; it is unfair to demand from a leadership prospect what we cannot demand from a leader who is current.



December 9, 2014.


UserOne 9 years, 4 months ago

I have always thought the same of Dr. Minnis. I would like to see him given a chance as I think he would be a different leader, which we need.


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