Celebrating Christmas


AS WE consider the true meaning of Christmas, let us find comfort in the following images of Jesus Christ:

  1. The light in this world’s darkness

  2. The hope in our despair

  3. The peace in the midst of terrorism

  4. The joy in the midst of every care

  5. The faith that anchors us in eternity

  6. The way for the lost to come near

  7. The truth for the doubtful

  8. The life that all people can share

The cross is the price of our worth and value, bestowing upon us forgiveness and royal dignity.

Before he comes as judge let us embrace Him as our Redeemer King.

With the Bahamas being named at number 11 out of 20 of the most homicidal countries in the world, we are in a state of national emergency.

We may go about our everyday business as if nothing were terribly wrong, but things have to change.

If we consider this a dark period in our history then the promise of Jesus Christ coming as the light of the world is truly a blessing at this time. Are we living as if we have divine light within us?

The darker it is the brighter our light will appear.

Now is our time to shine.

If some people are throwing up their hands in despair then we have a word of hope and encouragement to offer.

Our God is an anchor, and we must remind ourselves and others that God is in control and good will overcome evil in the end.

God’s peace allows us to stay focused on short-term plans and long-term goals.

We have the broad landscape of eternity before us. We have to rest in the spirit’s assurance that our suffering will not be in vain.

Joy is based on the promises of God now and later.

It is our acceptance that beauty may be found all around, and that there are moments when only God’s grace can sustain us.

Faith is an understanding that there are mysteries, and some answers will only be given in heaven.

It is trust that it will all make sense one day, but for now we believe that God is faithful and good and that is sufficient.

Jesus is the way, the direction that leads to the heart of God, and He is the truth that reveals what God wants us to know now.

His words are trustworthy and a strong rock on which to build our lives.

His life is the only one worth living, because it involves love, joy, peace, kindness and goodness in the midst of all the opposites.

This all means that we can always celebrate Christmas.


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