Minnis cannot cut the mustard

EDITOR, The Tribune.

For God’s sake, who is advising the Leader of the Opposition, Hubert Minnis? Every time he opens his mouth, it causes one to cringe. Am I the only person who seems to not want to listen to him butcher the English language? Either his handlers don’t know or they don’t care.

I am not an English major, neither am I what society would call educated, but I have a little common sense. Minnis is a public figure, vying to be prime minister one day, so he should be qualified for the job.

The more Minnis tries, the harder he tries, the more he exposes that he has no substance. His thoughts are not crystal, he wanders all over the place, searching for some one liner that will get him some play.

When is Minnis going to come with a clear thought then explain what he is thinking and how it would benefit all Bahamians. Many have said that he could be trained. That would be true if he had the ability that could be polished, but if he does not have it, no matter how much you train him, he will not be able to communicate well.

An outspoken supporter said, “Minnis makes me squirm.”

The most recent utterance when he said, “I won’t lie to the nation on crime,” was so kindergarten that it was beyond laughable. Actually it is depressing to see who is leading us. I wish I could wake up soon and be done with this nightmare.

There are so many real issues for him to have screamed about, now he is feeling the pressure of the leadership race, he is pretending to “speak to the issues.” We all know he is not genuine.

FNM, even Minnis supporters are embarrassed when he speaks, but they are pretending in front of his face. How did the FNM get to this?



October 31, 2014.


duppyVAT 9 years, 5 months ago

Answer to your question: Hubert Ingraham ran the FNM in the ground with NO succession planning. Where have all of the FNM Young Turks of the 1990s gone??????????


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