Time for the bank system to be changed

Re: Article “Why do we put up with these banks?”

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I should like to congratulate Ed Fields on his letter regarding the banking regulations as they are for Bahamian citizens. The requirements to open an account or to execute any type of transaction are discriminatory to every citizen of our country.

Should the banks know who they are dealing with? Yes, of course! But after dealing with the same bank for 50 years, do I have to, again, for the umpteenth time, produce my passport, NIB, etc?
If these procedures are required for non-Bahamian residents who do not have a history or are known in The Bahamas, I have some understanding, but all those requirements which we were told are being forced upon our country by EEC and the United States are not required in their jurisdiction, but are stuffed down the throat of poor third world countries, and it is long overdue for government and the judiciary, and the foremost the people, to say enough is enough and demand that the system be changed!



October 24, 2014.


duppyVAT 9 years, 5 months ago

Who legislates and regulates the banking system????? That is the issue.


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