Going to hell

EDITOR, The Tribune.

PM to COB Journalists “go to hell” will haunt him and the  PLP as much as the “bend or break” LOP speech has haunted Grand Bahama and that’s over 40 years ago.

What’s got into the Prime Minister?

He saw the press at the COB meeting.

He had to presume cameras and recorders were rolling.

He knew precisely what would be the journalists’ reaction –  he was criticising those same journalists who were reporting on his speech to which BIS/OPM had invited the journalists anyway.

“Cool-PC” - lost it Editor.

What has Perry Christie done for his constituency over the 40 years he represented the area?

The press should write an expose of the nothingness that has been done over the 40-years!

Ask the constituents when last they saw their MP?



March 29, 2015.


ThisIsOurs 9 years ago

Well...something was wrong with him, I understand he was supposed to speak for 15mins and he went on a rant for more than 2hrs. That is WEIRD. If my company president did that I would wonder if they had a breakdown of some sort


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