Impossible price rises

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Much is being talked about prices on merchandise for me to conclude that Business Managers had better start checking before VAT and or Price Control start charging you as some price increases are impossible to accept.

I went to numerous pharmacies to buy some fixodent for my grandfather. Believe me prices range from a low of $6.85 to an average high of over $12.00 for exactly the same product.

This price can’t be correct, but for a Pensioner on fixed income how is he going to survive without anyone seemingly caring – the business and Price Control?

I appreciate the education level of some of your employees is bad as we turn out so-called graduates with a D-average but ..... someone had better start checking because now with VAT everyone is.



January 5, 2015.


TheMadHatter 9 years, 3 months ago

"now with VAT everyone is". - Yes, and that is exactly the point of it. It will get the public involved, aware, and hopefully active in what Govt is doing with this money - and money in general.

It will be wonderful to see Bahamians now start to care about the Bahamas and its Govt every single day - instead of just waiting for their free chicken and beer every five years.



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