Adopt a child

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I am mentally ill; and I have papers to prove that. Why do I say I am mentally ill? Because of what I am thinking, and have been thinking for years now. I am thinking (and have been thinking) that I want to be so successful in this life that I would want to adopt as many children that I can afford.

All my adult life I have not been in a position to adopt one child (let alone many). I am not saying that I have thought of adopting all of my adult life, but what I am saying is that the government would not allow someone like me to adopt a motherless and fatherless child. I have some issues! But that will not stop me!  I am not successful now, but I am working toward that end. My God, I don’t even have a job! I don’t even have a wife! And I still live with my parents! And I am almost 50 (years old)! And I am mentally ill (because of my thought patterns)!

Do you think that the government will let a man in my position adopt a child from The Children’s Emergency Hostel? No way! But that is good; because I too feel that I am not ready.

However, that is my predicament. What about you? Are you ready? What about the rest of the Bahamian people? Are they ready? Do you have a good job? Are you married? Do you still live with your parents? Do you think that you are old enough? Are you mentally stable?

The question is – Are you prepared to adopt a child; either through the government or privately? You are?  Then what is stopping you? Are you that selfish? These orphan children need a loving home. And if you are not willing to provide them with one, and you are prepared to provide one, then what does that say about you?

I know a man (he is a Christian), we were talking about this same scenario, and I put these same questions to him. It turns out that he is prepared to adopt a child (or more than one), but, he said, he hopes that God does not ask him to do it! This man appeared to be visibly nervous and uncomfortable when I asked him these questions. He is waiting on God to ask him. He doesn’t want to do it; and if God asks him, he might do it, but he will do it reluctantly. And this man has been a Christian for over 30 years – going to church, reading his Bible, praying every day, etc, etc, etc, the whole “nine yards”.

Don’t be so quick to judge, editor; many of the Bahamian people are just like this man – prepared, but not willing. I am just the opposite – willing, but not prepared. What about you, editor? Are you prepared but not willing; or are you willing but not prepared? What about the rest of the Bahamian people?  What position are they in?

These children at The Children’s Emergency Hostel need loving homes. Not only these children, but there are a plethora of fatherless children or motherless children that you know who need a father (a legal father) or a mother (a legal mother) to care for them until they reach the age of majority (18 years).

In this modern society, we always get wind of women who are single mothers.  Perhaps the “well-to-do” men in our community could (legally) adopt these children without necessarily engaging in a romantic relationship with the mother.

It does sound crazy, doesn’t it?  But, if you are a Christian, and you are prepared to take on a (or more than one) child, and you are waiting on God to ask you, then you can consider me God’s messenger!

If you can afford it, then adopt a (or more than one) child who needs a mother, or who needs a father in The Bahamas. Today!  It does sound crazy! But remember – I am mentally ill!



January 18, 2015.


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