Carnival is all Bahamian

EDITOR, The Tribune.

The time is drawing nigh for much talked about Junkanoo Carnival. Never before have I seen anything being condemned. I have heard and seen supposedly calm persons become almost hysterical about this ever happening.

There are enough opinions and reasoning as to how and why, but the reality is the day is fast approaching and the money being spent is our money, so why not rally around each other and lend a helping hand to make sure it is a success.

The event that happened in Freeport and expected to happen in Nassau is an “all Bahamian” event. We all love Junkanoo, and dance while the parade is passing, so why would we not, instead of being a spectator, “jump in da line” and become a participant.

Imagine this, the largest group with all of us dancing and having “clean fun” celebrating what we all love so much. Why are we not telling our friends to join us in this “cultural explosion” that will happen come May 7-9.

There is still time to contact one of the groups for your costume. It is affordable and within reach of most of us. We all know hindsight is 20/20 but we will learn from this and be even better next time.

“Dis we ting”, don’t let the people who have never ever been interested in Junkanoo in the first place influence us from celebrating what is ours. Since the government invested our monies, we should be more than happy to get involved.

Oh, please don’t get carried away with whether the costumes are not suitable, that is rubbish. One only needs to look at the 2014/2015 parades and you will see the answer there.

Get your costumes and “jump in the line!”



April 26, 2015.


ThisIsOurs 8 years, 11 months ago

What you say sounds good and if your premise is true, that this is all Bahamian and clean fun then wonderful. My one fear is your premise may not be right. I would love a street parade that allowed regular Bahamians an opportunity to "rush". But the rules have been too vague, I believe we're in for a somewhat wild and loose display. (full disclosure: I am participating but without the looseness)


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