Michelle Miller Motivationals: Are you taking focused action?

One of the best prescriptions for achieving personal success is the habit of taking focused action. Nothing happens without action. Despite all the talking, preparing and/or planning, only action will make the thing happen.

Those who experience success know all too well that success is the result of a step-by-step process of taking focused action.

Until you act nothing happens. This being the case, why is it that so many park their dreams, goals and or ideas in the neutral zone? This means they are not driving them forward. In many instances people get caught in the paralysis of analysis. They get stuck in that popular zone of over-thinking; trying to circumvent or anticipate every possible outcome.

The predominant thought here is they are trying to avoid what may go “wrong”; falling prey to the idea of getting all of their ducks lined up.

Real success is not about “ducks lining up”, because they never do. Instead, to achieve your desired outcome you must be willing to take the leap and grow your wings on the way down, so to speak.

It is in taking the risks that you develop the courage to keep going. You become more fearless and more resilient, which are essential if you are to continue to go the distance.

Another key point is that taking action is a habit that you must develop. Whether you accept it or not, you developed the habit of being afraid. Fear is a real emotion that can immobilise your best intentions.

For this reason, you must conquer fear by facing it head on. Learn to rise above those heavy feelings of self-doubt and uncertainty. In a sense you must be willing to feel the fear but take focused action anyway. The more you act, the more confident and powerful you become to continue to act.

By increasing your power you automatically decrease your fear; making you powerful and fearless. As long as you allow yourself to remain a prisoner to fear you will not take action and thus not achieve personal success. Don’t get caught in the habit of reading and quoting scripture but remaining unable to act accordingly. Faith without works is dead. By “works” I mean taking action. There is no point in knowing better but not doing better.

Your life vision manifests when you act on your goals and strategies. Every vision needs a goal and every goal requires a strategy or a method through which it is achieved.

To see a great example of focused action, observe the ant. Every ant has a role to play and is driven to act in the creation and care of their little world. You will never find an ant idle, not actively participating in the process of building and supporting the colony. They know what needs to be done and get it done, step by step. Ants are profound action takers. They scurry around all day effectively acting out their roles, making it happen. They are the essence of the popular Nike slogan to “Just Do It”.

Needless to say, taking action is not an easy task. It is not a domain for the faint-hearted. Naturally, taking focused action requires a focused mind and a brave heart. You must build the courage to get beyond the borders of fear. Being fearless doesn’t mean you are not afraid, but that you realise that thing, that dream, that goal that you have to make happen is way bigger and more important or powerful than fear.

Leader to leader, recognise that the power is already within you to take action. Be willing to trust yourself, knowing that if you never try you will never know. It takes the habit of focused action to live an empowered life, and yes, you can do it!

What do you think? Please send your comments to coaching242@yahoo.com or 429-6770.

• Michelle M Miller is a certified life coach, communication and leadership expert. Visit www.michellemmiller.com; mail can be sent to PO Box CB-13060.


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