Pray for the nation


REGARDLESS of the negative things that are said about the Church, it is a very important part of the life in the Bahamas and the world at large. A few Sundays ago I stopped into a popular food joint after early morning service and on my way to another service.

As I was waiting for my order to be taken, two guys came in behind me talking about the night before. One of the guys took notice of me and asked if I had been to early morning mass. I responded, “Yes”. His next question shocked me. Normally people would ask a question regarding themselves and not others. The young man asked me, “Did you pray for the nation?” I was very surprised at that question and could only respond with the truth. I said, “No, I didn’t”. The disappointment on his face made me feel embarrassed that although I had taken part in a local assembly to give and receive worship, my country was not on my mind while praying. It was not a comfortable question, but it was a sobering one.

Prayers for our nation can be shared by all of us; we all can take on the responsibility. Yes, the Church a has a greater responsibility than us individuals to lead in spiritual acts in this country, however, we can all share in the responsibility in praying for our nation.

I often hear those who are in their 50s and older talk about a Bahamas that was safe and crime-free. I am told of times when you could of leave your doors and windows open at night while you slept. People could walk the streets any time of day and night and not fear for their life. We all know that this Bahamas is long gone. The question is, can we get it back?

I don’t know if we can get it back, however, I do believe we can make it better than what it is today. The reality is we have to make a great effort to get this country back to the one our parents and grandparents experienced.

We celebrated our 43rd independence as a nation and we have to remember the sacrifices that were made to cause us to be free. Our freedom is not for us to cause harm to our brothers and sisters. It is not to shed innocent blood, taking things without asking. Leaders do whatever they please and are not accountable for their actions. I agree with the young man I met in that food joint, I need to be praying...we need to be praying for our nation. Not only should we pray in the local assembly, but inside our personal churches as well. I have accepted the mandate and every opportunity I get I pray for our nation, the Bahamas.


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