Strange bedfellows

EDITOR, The Tribune.

The saying that politics makes strange bedfellows aptly applies to the current political soap opera unfolding within the FNM between Dr Hubert Minnis and the six MPs who are pushing for his removal as leader.

Butler-Turner and Rollins have very little in common, yet the two have found common ground in blackmailing Minnis into calling for an early convention.

While Rollins has launched a series of public irrational tirades against Minnis, Butler-Turner has been a bit more stealth in her attacks against her leader.

Her surrogates have and continue to relentless print broadsides against Minnis’ leadership of the FNM in the dailies.

In 2013, Rollins, who was a PLP, was slapped by Butler-Turner, who was at that time FNM deputy leader. Butler-Turner alleged that Rollins whispered inappropriate words to her.

At the time of the incident, no one would have guessed in a million years that the two would be conniving to bring about Minnis’ undoing a mere three years later.

No one could have foreseen at the time the two working together as a team to achieve the common goal of wresting power away from Minnis.

Leading up to the election in 2012 and a year-and-a-half after, Rollins had nothing positive to say about the FNM and its leadership, particularly Butler-Turner. Now the two seem to be two peas in a pod.

Whereas the two couldn’t stand each other in 2013, and even as recent as November 2015 when Butler-Turner was conspicuously absent from a press conference called by Minnis to formally introduce Rollins and Renward Wells as new FNMs, the two have made a sudden 180 degree turnaround in their relationship.

We in the unofficial Minnis for PM Campaign 2017 are convinced Butler-Turner, who is allegedly being backed by Brent Symonette and other prominent FNMs, had persuaded Rollins to turn his back on Minnis, despite only being an FNM member for seven months.

Rollins’ Judas Iscariot betrayal of Minnis suggests that he is an unstable politician who cannot be trusted by anyone. Butler-Turner and her camp are well aware of Rollins’ instability, but are prepared to turn a blind eye in pursuit of their common objective in destroying Minnis.

Moving forward, we Minnisites will mobilise ourselves by circling the wagon around Minnis. We have had enough of sitting back while Simon Front Porch, the Graduate, the media and its darling, Butler-Turner, unfairly attack Minnis.

We are done turning the other cheek. We anticipate a brutal campaign leading up to convention in late July when various factions will take off their gloves.

It is expected to be a political bloodbath. We hope we are wrong. However, for those who are planning on fighting Minnis, we Minnisites will fight back. We will not be backing down.

The unofficial Minnis for PM Campaign 2017.



June 19, 2016.


Jonahbay 7 years, 9 months ago

These Minnisites may circle their wagon and prop up their malaprop Hubert, but the fact still remains that the main person intent on destroying Minnis is MINNIS. I have said it before, he flails like a fish drowning in air. He has made so many missteps and gaffes that we could fill a playbook of what not to do as a political leader. I list them here for those who choose to forget: Toggie and the free "fish" courtesy call; Bringing in Rollins and Wells the new PLP faction of the FNM to prop himself up; Catching a Ride on the PM's plane with no supplies to visit the islands devastated by Hurricane Joaquin- Not even one case of water, but posing with HeadKnowles organised donations!!!! Seeming to disparage HeadKnowles and LBT by asking people to donate to NEMA instead(the people would still be waiting!!). The exhaustive laundry list goes on and on. Blame whoever you want Minnisites, but don't forget to blame Minnis and yourselves for propping up his failure. No one need attack Minnis, he has done a good enough job of that himself. "Roc wit Doc" - more like "Doc is a Rock" sinking the FNM. Signed, An Exasperated FNM


Jonahbay 7 years, 9 months ago

How could I forget, his flip flop on the referendum?! His vote went from being public record to being confidential! He wants to be a private citizen not the Leader of the Opposition.


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