The plug

By Allison Miller

I THOUGHT to share this article today since we are in the Easter season. I have often heard that Easter is a time for the saints of Jesus Christ.

And yes, it is. Because at this time of year, you and I, by choice, can be born again in order to have access to the Kingdom of God.

It really is a time to rejoice in the saints. We don’t know where we would be if Jesus had not come and died for our sins. 

What I want to do is to ‘plug’ this in the minds of those who may have not made that decision to be reborn.

The Bible tells us that only what is done for Christ will last. In order to do anything for Him you must first have a relationship with Him.

Easter symbolises His sacrifice that he has done for all of us; dying on Calvary’s cross for our sins. What an awesome expression of love! It is indeed the ultimate expression of God’s love.

Do any of us know anyone who would willingly die to save us? Jesus died to save sinners and turn them into saints. I submit to you that it is a time for all of us: sinners being reborn and saints rejoicing and glorifying God. Let’s not take what God has done for us for granted. If He was to come right now and we are not prepared for His appearance, there would serious consequences.

Easter is when God allowed his son to be sacrificed for our sakes, that we may have eternal life. No one can do better than that. It was the greatest sacrifice ever made on man’s behalf. Therefore, if you don’t know Jesus Christ as your personal saviour, make that decision today. As the saints of God, we will rejoice and glorify God, our Father, for your rebirth.

Happy Easter and let’s keep in mind God’s ultimate expression of His love for us!


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