Don't take a risk with hurricanes

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Since June 1, efforts have been made to sensitise the public about the seriousness of disaster striking The Bahamas. Hurricane Preparedness has been stressed, because if we as a people are better prepared, then the blow could be lessened.

Bahamians are a stubborn people. We measure the severity of the next hurricane from other experiences, even the most recent Hurricane Matthew was more than enough to show just how devastating a hurricane could be.

To the people who want to survive a hurricane, I suggest that, if you haven’t already done so, to start making the effort of seeing how you would secure your homes.

Trying to do these things in high winds, when the tropical depression has been upgraded to tropical storm may be cutting it too close.

The reality is that there is no set time how quickly the tropical storm may be further upgraded to a hurricane or if it would be Category 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5.

We must not gamble by the way we did things before because we do not control the progression.

Wisdom would scream that, the cost of the supplies now would be more affordable than when the hurricane is closer.

We all know that the merchant would use the urgency to “gouge”, plus if we plan properly, we would be able to spread the cost over a period of weeks rather than having to cough up hundreds in days, which in many cases we simply do not have.

Identify and start practising with your family how we are going to get to the hurricane shelters and clinics in the immediate vicinity, so that when pandemonium breaks out, we are not left “out in the cold!”

The necessities like batteries, radio, medical supplies should be attained now. As time progresses, stocking up on non-perishable items would lessen the burden, cost and chaos.

Finally pay extreme attention to all of the messages that are being disseminated by the MET Office, NEMA, Red Cross, Police and other agencies associated. These are the people who know what, when how and why, better than anyone else and should always be taken seriously.

Family Islands must be brought up to scratch to ensure that this information is shared in real time.

If Matthew was any indication how dangerous it could be, then please let us govern ourselves accordingly. Luckily we were spared and no lives were lost, but we must not take that for granted.

A word to the wise is sufficient



July 16, 2017.


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