Directed by God to choose McCartney

EDITOR, The Tribune.

One of the classic children’s songs of all times is “Only a boy named David”. The story of David’s selection to be king of Israel is recorded in 1Samuel 16:1-13. The story in brief, is that the prophet Samuel intended to select the eldest son of Jessie, but God directed him to select “the boy David” instead. This truly parallels what occurred in the endorsement of Branville McCartney, as the person to lead the charge to form the next government, following the upcoming general election.

As leader of the Gatekeepers, following much prayer, I was impressed to endorse someone to lead the third party forces, to head the next government, but I had no intention of selecting Mr McCartney as that person, but as in the Old Testament case of Samuel, the Lord led me to endorse Branville McCartney.

Since I made that decision, I have been inundated with calls as to the basis of my decision, and my response was always, “I was God directed”. Thankfully I am comfortable, and at peace with that decision, and I await to see how God is going to work this all out. In the meanwhile, I am appealing to all Bahamians, to pray for God’s direction, and allow Him to impress them how they should vote. May God bless The Commonwealth of The Bahamas.


Leader of The Gatekeepers,

March 19, 2017.


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