Flipping the bird for five years

EDITOR, The Tribune.

THERE has been much ado recently about the rude gesture of our Prime Minister at a recent rally.

Except for the fact that they were finally able to take a picture of him “flippin’ the bird I ask the question Why Now?

He has been “giving us the finger’ for the past five years.

1) It is claimed that millions of dollars was taken from our pension fund to try to “bailout” the Bank of the Bahamas’.

2) He put us through the ordeal of a referendum re the gambling issue and then totally ignored the wish of the people who voted a resounding “NO”.

3) For five years his Government has been putting off the Freedom of Information Act.

4) He has refused information on the sale of Bah Mar “because the Chinese told him to seal the documents” (excuse me! the Chinese TOLD him).

5) We were told that they will explain what the VAT was used for. Would we have that explanation before they increase it to 15 per cent?



March 20, 2017.


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