Is BPL abiding by the rules?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

BP&L’s RFP to replace the current standby generator supplier - AGGREGO was it complaint to the Electricity act of 2015?

The RFP requested bids for 80MW - choice of fuel- nothing long term as it seems miraculously it became and to all observers incredibly strange but then in a non-transparent process we sort of expect this now from the Minnis Government.

The Electricity Act, Article: 26, page:29-30 requires BP&L to argue their case for what they are looking for their submission - further argue why solar solution is not being considered?

Did BP&L change the playing field along the road of the replacement for 80 MW standby generators without URCA permission so the RFP awarded to Shell America is void of any legality? The public - The People want to know?

Some comments have been made about the use of LNG by the environmentalists and journalists but they seem to be more interested in current News issues than digging into what could possibly be illegal and worse, for us, not the best choice.

What happened to the virtuous policy of none other than the Prime Minister – create a renewable energy economy by supporting and promoting a National Solarisation programme.

The FNM pre the election…it seems all that has gone right out the window and is forgotten.

LNG is not solarisation…it is a gas which can explode - a gas which emits CO2 and a fuel subject to market pricing which solar isn’t, the good Lord provides that…if BP&L didn’t know Free!

The People in the People’s Government need an explanation.



June 28, 2018.


Porcupine 5 years, 9 months ago

My answer to this situation is the same as others. If you want real change in your lifetime, forget the government. They will remain a generation or two behind the times. Solar, while requiring a higher up front cost, now makes sense economically. If we want cheaper, more reliable and more environmentally friendly electricity, solar is our answer.


realitycheck242 5 years, 9 months ago

BPL seams to have a policy of only installing solar systems in the family islands, the reason being not enough land in New providence for such an installation, but i beg to differ and say that there is enough crown land in the area of the blue hills power station to accommodate a 80MW solar power generation installation....it takes the will to make it happen.


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