Who uses a siren?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Who is permitted to legally use a siren and flashing lights?

Walking past McDonald’s yesterday suddenly the quiet was disturbed by a very loud siren…turning I see a black BMW SUV flashing light and using a siren.

I looked for police outriders - the Governor General’s car, Prime Ministers’ car, ambulance.

Editor, none could be seen. The sole identifying mark on the vehicle was the licence plate of the BMW SUV…it was a CD plate issued to embassies.

I continued walking to Marlborough Street, in fact by the time I walked to George Street, eureka!

This same BMW SUV appeared coming up George Street towards Christ Church, at about that time people were assembling for Chief Justice Isaacs’ funeral.

So I was able to walk faster than the BMW SUV and all their noise but that is not the issue - who is legally able to use a siren and flashing lights and cause traffic to pull to the side to allow the vehicle through?

Recently, you published a letter complaining about the Commodore of the RBDF doing the same thing.

Traffic is bad enough, do we really need this? I recall PM Minnis said this was to stop from the craziness we got so used to under PM Christie. Coming back, it seems! Power corrupts?



September 8, 2018.


TheMadHatter 5 years, 7 months ago

Nice try writer. Nice of of you to spend the time writing. But, with all the CCTV cameras downtown that could easily identify this person - nothing will be done. We are a nation of pirates. Loud motorcycles riding up and down the streets with front wheels in the air - special mufflers to make loud noise. All hours of the day and night. No police can find any of them. But if you are a young man driving properly along the road, minding your own business, but the police pull you over for nothing and find a spliff under your seat, your hip going to jail and you got police record, no travel visa, no good jobs for life cause ya got record. Real criminals get off free. Even if they murder someone with ten witnesses the Privy Council says we can't hang them.

If I were in power when the Privy Council issued that insane ruling, I would have brought a Bill to Parliament saying every citizen must contribute $10 to the well being of anyone found guilty of murder. Tax the people to pay for his jail commissary. That would at least gain international reporting and show how stupid we are. If the Privy Council wants us to be stupid - then let's be real stupid. Pay fees to murderers. Yeah.


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