Only a messenger, but somebody has to make the runs

By Rex Major Senior pastor at Emeritus Grace Community Church

Imagine that Angel Gabriel, whose name means “God has showed Himself strong”, while on his second visit from heaven to planet Earth, as a messenger from God, as recorded in Luke’s gospel - is in deep thought: “I can’t understand my boss, sometimes. It was only six months ago that I paid my last official visit to this same part of planet Earth, as an ambassador of the Lord God Almighty!

“You see, I have a special insignia. Here is how I announce my status to Earth people: ‘I am Gabriel who stands in the presence of God.’ I can tell you that my work environment is indescribable – no matter what language one might choose to use to talk about it. I am constantly surrounded by numberless fellow angels, who in unison carry on an endless verbal chant: ‘Holy, holy, Lord God Almighty!’

“And the heavenly atmosphere (to borrow an earthly terminology) is filled with an awe that eyes can never tire looking upon - a constant scene – always dazzling; amazing; brilliant; beautiful; exciting; inspiring; chilling; overwhelming; exhilarating; elaborate; colourful; and yet it is also serene, comforting and satisfying!

“Yes, heaven is the headquarters of my work-place, and my official residence. I can assure you that it so different from earth. I tell you it is such a privilege to be a fully certified citizen of heaven. It cannot be improved. I wait expectantly, always poised to move without question or hesitation, to carry out the wish of Heaven’s Throne.

“I was just wondering why I could not have done this present job on that earlier occasion. At that time I announced another special birth – by a barren woman, married to a man - years beyond his ability to produce a pregnancy. That birth was for a son called ‘John’.

“My, what family delight that brought! From miles around they came to see this miracle son! I like that!

“Now, an even more alarming birth announcement is to be made by me. I must tell an unmarried teenager, but betrothed virgin, that because of God’s favour she is the one chosen by Him to be the mother of another special ‘child gift’ to earth dwellers.

“Well, I’m now here at a little home in Nazareth. And here is Mary – young, devout, God-fearing, innocent, sexually pure and deeply devoted to her betrothed lover – one young man named Joseph. He is also godly, sexually pure and virtuous.

“I’m sorry to have to pounce upon people so suddenly. One moment nobody is before them – the next moment I appear! No wonder they are all greatly terrified at my arrival. But that’s the way it is with angels, you know! We just show up – unexpected and unannounced! We come ‘Out of the clear blue’ (as you earth people say).

“But what a joy for me to see how graciously and humbly Mary has accepted her role in this Divine drama. I explained to her that she had found favour with God and that she would bear a son – Jesus, the Saviour of the world. He would in fact be God in human flesh! And all this without a human father being needed. No wonder I had to assure her: “For nothing is impossible with God”. She responded “Be it done unto me according to thy word”.

“Well, thank God another mission is accomplished! I believe that my visit here is going to put this insignificant town of Nazareth, on the map of the world for a long time to come. And the whole earth will enjoy it’s benefits.

“I am sure that my boss in Heaven will be pleased with the success of my mission! And that’s how I get my own pleasure – in pleasing Him; and seeing Him pleased.

“Here is now my advice to all who would desire to bring God glory and honour:

“Whatever the Heavenly Master desires of you - do it with joy, even if it is merely doing some leg work, like me. I can tell you from personal experience that He likes that, from all of His creatures!”

Such were angel Gabriel’s private thoughts and Christmas message to all who would listen.

And I agree fully with his recommendation, as a Christmas wish for all who read this page.


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