POLICE ADVICE: We need to work together to make our society safe again

By Sgt Nathalie Ranger

New beginnings, fresh starts, reaffirmations of love and promises for a brighter future all come to mind as we ring in a New Year. In this New Year, 2020, let us remember the safety of ourselves and others. Let us also remember to come together and create safer communities.

Community safety and inseparability is a team effort and it starts with you.

To make your community a safer place you can”

• Be your neighbour’s keeper

Each of us is responsible for our own actions. We are also responsible for the well-being of each other. Too frequently we focus on individual freedom while forgetting that God also created us to live together in mutual support as family, as children of God

• Report suspicious persons hanging around in your community

Suspicious activity is anything going on that feels uncomfortable or out of place. It can include any of the following:

• A stranger hanging out in the street.

• Windows of a house that is broken or open.

• Someone looking in a car window.

• The sound of gunshots, screaming, or fighting.

• A lot of cars coming and going from a house.

• Strange odours coming from a house or a particular area.

• Activity near gas, electrical, or sewer systems without any kind of identification related to a company.

Violence in our communities is killing our children and destroying families.

It is time we all felt safe from violence. It is a challenge that each of us can do something about. Let us reclaim our communities, because this violence is tearing our society apart. Too many lives lost and injured and these violent acts, such as, murders are more likely between people who know each other than between strangers.

It is my opinion that people turn to violence because of:

• Peer pressure

• To boost self-esteem through violence

• The lack of inability to control attitudes, emotions and reactions

• Other family members and or friends who are into violence

• Lack of love and attention in the home from parents

• Not being able to express themselves in a positive way

• Do not know how to solve conflicts in a peaceful way

When faced with a conflict, agree to resolve it:

  1. Use your brain and not your hands or a weapon

  2. Talk about what is bothering you in a calm and respectful way

  3. No name calling

  4. Take turns talking without interrupting

  5. Be willing to listen to the other person and be sure to understand how he or she feels and sees the problem

  6. The less angry you are the easier it will be to resolve the problem

  7. Think of positive options, how can you meet each other’s needs and be fair

  8. If you still can’t agree, ask someone else (an outsider) to help resolve the conflict

When you see a child at risk report it to the proper authorities.

Any member of the community who suspect, on reasonable grounds, that a child or young person is at risk of significant harm should report their concerns to the proper authorities.

In this New Year, make yourself, your family and your community safe from violence by working with your own and other children throughout the communities.

I propose that a campaign be launched against violence where all agencies, organizations, citizens and residents come together and educate the community, specifically young people and their parents, on how to solve disputes without becoming violent.

I wish you a prosperous and a safe New Year. Remember that safety begins with you.


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