When the blood cries out


Reading about the senseless, cold-blooded homicides in our nation’s capital is very disconcerting and depressing. The murder count in our country continues to soar in an unprecedented manner, and it is indubitably a thorn in our sides.

Recently, five were shot dead within the space of just 24 hours, with another three suspected individuals killed in one day. And as if that wasn’t enough, a young man was just killed in Bimini, much to my chagrin.

We have come to a fork in the road with this national crisis that is plaguing the Commonwealth of the Bahamas. Once upon a time you could of walk the streets of Nassau without worrying about catching a stray bullet or being robbed. There was a time you could have left your door unlocked without worrying about intruders kicking it wide open.

God gave man laws to be governed by as it relates to morality. Genesis 4:9-10 states: “And the Lord said unto Cain, ‘Where is Abel thy brother?’ And he said, ‘I know not: Am I my brother’s keeper?’ And He said, ‘What hast thou done? The voice of thy brother’s blood crieth unto Me from the ground’.”

The narrative of Cain and Abel here paints a sobering story of such violence that echoes throughout the earth, and here in the Bahamas. The conversation with God and Cain only shows the punitive attitude of Cain. His fiendish actions against his godly brother Abel were Draconian and austere.

How many of our young men will have to die with their blood crying out before the Church acts? In case you had forgotten, the bulk of Jesus’ ministry took place outside the four walls and not just on the inside of a building. His ministry is the quintessential example of the heartbeat of Yahweh – souls!

The Bahamas is supposed to be an archipelago of islands giving glory to the one true God. From 2011 to now we’ve had an astronomically high number of murders. An average of over 100 homicides is absolutely preposterous and absurd; one life taken is one life too many. We cannot afford to be callous in our attitude towards our Holy God. Rather, we need to seek Him for revival. God is a God of justice, and He expects us to do what He commands.

The blood of the slain cries out for justice! God set laws in place that need to be carried out with rapidity. Genesis 9:6: “Whoso sheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made He man.” God establishes a government and commands it to carry out capital punishment on murderers. The amount of blood of so many that has been shed innocently within the Commonwealth of the Bahamas is reprehensible.

Young men, cease with the senseless violence! Pick up the Bible and let’s love one another. The violence has to stop, in the mighty name of Jesus!

• Contact Minister Keith Evans at keithevans242@gmail.com


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