The Man In The Mirror


Father’s Day is a day that is observed by many throughout parts of the world.

Right here, we are taking time out this coming Sunday to recognise and to celebrate those fathers that have done a great job in raising their children to become productive citizens in society. However, there are some that are not doing their jobs as men let alone as a father within their homes.

The Bahamas has an astronomically high rate in homes without fathers in it. And by that I meant homes that are run solely by the mothers. The purport of this article is in no way to vilify the fathers in no way, but to challenge each and every man out there to look in the mirror as men!

It is said that from 1975, over 65 percent of Bahamians were born out of wedlock! It is also a well-known fact that the majority of young men incarcerated in prison grew up in a home absent of a father.

I truly believe that the conundrum that we’re confronted with is because of the absence of the fathers, or lack thereof. Genesis 3:9, “And the Lord God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou?”

Where are the fathers? Why are we hiding from our responsibilities as men? The role of the father cannot be overstated enough, nor taken lightly all things considered. God initially intended for the man to govern his home, not the woman. Albeit, we do have some good mothers out there keeping heads above water. Men, it’s time to look in the mirror at ourselves. We have no one to blame for the spiritual deplorable conditions of our nation, but ourselves. It is the direct result of us men being absent from our homes. Hiding in the bar rooms and clubs. Hiding on the job, or hanging with the boys when we should be home. It’s time to stop hiding and to stand up as men. It’s time to look in the mirror at ourselves, and to do the right thing!

For more information, contact keithevans242@gmail.com or kenazevans242@gmail.com.


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