School hours should stay the same

EDITOR, The Tribune

As a person who works in the education system I must voice my input about how school should be run when it reopens. It is not feasible for there to be six feet of distance between students in the class room. Desks should be reasonably spaced but if students are wearing masks and using hand sanitisers this should not be an issue. The main issue should be the number of students in each class. There should be no more than 25 students in each class. This number allows for adequate spacing in each room.

There is no need for shifts and rotation as many students will not report to school if they are told to come at a later time. Why? Because that is simply the mentality of many of the students today. They use any opportunity to do what they want to do. School hours should remain the same and once the above mentioned precautions are taken things should go well.

Virtual teaching may allow students to review material however it is not effective for many students. It is for this reason that the ministry of education schools are now holding face to face classes for exams even after all of the talk about the virtual teaching website and the creation of cable channels for lessons.

So many students are left out from virtual learning due to lack of supplies and basic living necessities like light. In addition I have heard many parents say that their children were confused by virtual teaching and did not understand many concepts and they could not explain the work to them.

Public school children have a totally different reality in most cases than private school children. And I am sure private school parents are not paying money for their kids to be at home doing work.

Furthermore the government needs to take the pressure off the education and health systems by letting ALL illegals AND their children be sent home.

Teaching…is best done face to face…Some students in other countries went back to school already and there was no need for shifts or rotations.

Let us be practical and take the basic precautions so students can learn effectively.



June 30, 2020.


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