Physiotherapy vs chiropractic care

By Dr Miquela Rolle PT, DPT

Doctor of Physical Therapy, Paramount Rehabilitation & Fitness

There are many misconceptions surrounding the field of physiotherapy and many questions may arise when you learn that you or a loved one has been referred to a physiotherapist. Some frequently asked questions include: What exactly is physiotherapy? Who are physios? Will my physiotherapy sessions hurt? Will my physio ‘crack’ my back? Am I too old or am I too young for physiotherapy?

Then, there is the common misunderstanding or confusion between physiotherapists and chiropractors and if there is actually a difference between the two? People often wonder if or when they should see a chiropractor vs a physiotherapist, or maybe even if they should see both?

As a doctor of physiotherapy, I answer lots of these questions in the clinic. Patients and/or potential patients have lots of questions and it is my belief that having these questions clearly and thoroughly answered, so as to grasp exactly what physiotherapy is, is vital to understanding their successful journey to recovery. So with this in mind, I invite you to read on as I explain the differences between physiotherapy and chiropractic Care. I hope to dispel some myths and bring clarity to this age old conundrum.

Firstly, in order to better understand the difference between the two professions we should define them. The World Confederation of Physiotherapy defines physiotherapy as a “healthcare profession concerned with human function and movement and maximising physical potential. It is concerned with identifying and maximising quality of life and movement potential within the spheres of promotion, prevention, treatment/intervention, habilitation and rehabilitation.”

Whereas, chiropractic is defined as a “health profession concerned with mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system. There is an emphasis on manual treatments including spinal adjustment and other joint and soft-tissue manipulation.”

By definition we begin to see where, though the two fields are closely similar, there are some striking and notable differences between the two. I will lay out some of these contrasts for you here:


• Pain-free movement is one of the key primary goals.

• Focuses on how the whole body moves.

• Physical therapists help you perform stretches and exercises, as well as performing some manipulations, to improve your mobility.

• Physical therapists work in just about any healthcare environment, as well as your home.

Chiropractic care

• Alignment of the spine is a key primary goal.

• Focuses mostly on back pain, neck pain and headaches. • Chiropractors perform manipulations and adjustments.

• Chiropractors usually need specialised spaces and equipment to perform adjustments and manipulations.

As you can see, physios and chiropractors do have some common goals, but our means of getting there do vary. Now, to answer some of those questions above:

Who are physios? We help you move and feel better.

Will my physiotherapy sessions hurt? Generally no, there may be some uncomfortable stretching but this should be explained to you by your physio.

Will my physio ‘crack’ my back? Gosh, not if you don’t need it.

And lastly, are you too young or are you too old for physiotherapy? Absolutely not! We help and treat patients from a wide range of ages, from the very young to the very old.

So during this month of October as we recognise Physiotherapy Month it is my hope that this article enhances your comprehension and awareness of what we as physiotherapists do and who we are. If you or a loved one struggles with decreased mobility or pain, please contact your doctor and ask if physiotherapy is right for you. If you still have more questions or would like further clarity please contact the Bahamas Association of Physiotherapy for further information at bapt242@gmail.com.


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