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Protect our Constitutional rights

Protect our Constitutional rights OUR CONSTITUTION guarantees every resident of this country the right of free speech, conscience and assembly. No one - election or no election - has the right to interfere with these basic freedoms. Those who do should b

Politics on the Cayman Islands

GEORGE TOWN, the Cayman Islands - At a dinner party on Seven Mile Beach here, I asked a long-time resident (who serves on two public boards) for a briefing on the island's political parties. Curiously, he could not even recall their names. So the next day

Politics on the Cayman Islands

GEORGE TOWN, the Cayman Islands - At a dinner party on Seven Mile Beach here, I asked a long-time resident (who serves on two public boards) for a briefing on the island's political parties. Curiously, he could not even recall their names. So the next day

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