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Powerade sponsors BAARK! Potcakeman Triathlon for 10th year

BAARK! (Bahamas Alliance for Animal Rights & Kindness) is scheduled to host its eleventh triathlon at Jaws Beach on Sunday, February 25.

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Christie disagrees on PLP’s candidate restriction

FORMER Prime Minister Perry Christie disagrees with the Progressive Liberal Party’s purported restriction on who is eligible for a nomination in the upcoming by-election in the West Grand Bahama and Bimini constituency.

We should not go cashless

Glad to see at least one Minister, Fred Mitchell is openly against cashless society... we, all those that totally disagree with the cashless stupidity, are supported that recent Central Bank stats indicate in a quarter the ‘wallets of these digital things’ the deposits in them decreased - dropped by over $31m. Seems the consumers are saying... be gone!

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