COVID-19 is forcing us to change the way we live. It demands that we change our behaviour in order to stop the spread of the virus. We are not yet taking it as seriously as we should. We should not have waited for a confirmed case before taking action, especially when we have thousands of people moving in and out of the country, directly engaging with a large proportion of our population through the tourism industry. We are behind and rushing to make decisions when we could have been far ahead, learning from the experiences of China, South Korea, Italy and Spain. Finally, we are making adjustments, but it is coming slowly. We are not being given much time for transition. We have to be ready for sudden changes. It should not, however, fall completely on us.
The government has a responsibility to ensure everyone has a reasonable chance to get through this, and that means introducing feminist policy rather than making sweeping changes that leave gaps that increase the vulnerability of people who were already vulnerable. They need to give us the tools to survive their decisions. As an example, we can look at the decision to close schools. The closure of all schools was a good call. That said, it should have come with a comprehensive plan to manage all of the components that are missing as a result of the closure. It needed to consider the safety of children, the income of parents, food security and education.
This is no village
We have created a culture of selfishness. We do not care as much about our neighbours as we like to pretend. We do not live in little proverbial villages. We expect people to take care of themselves or suffer the consequences of their inability to do so. We also expect them to do it quietly. This was made clear by the comments on one of the livestreams of the prime minister’s address on Sunday night.
The prime minister made the announcement at eight o’clock on Sunday night that schools would be closed for one month starting the next day. This gave parents and guardians less than 12 hours to make other arrangements. People, obviously unprepared and unsure of what to do, commented on the video to ask what they were supposed to do with their children. Others responded that those children were their problem to deal with, the prime minister need not figure out their lives for them and they should let the same person who watches the children while the parents party watch them – no one.
The responses were rude, callous and evidence of the erosion of the moral fabric we pretend to have in this society. People are uncaring. Not only that, but we have a limited understanding of the responsibility of governments, and we have gone for such a long time without the government properly providing the services and resources it should, depending heavily on non-governmental organizations, that we are ready to accept it and ridicule others for daring to even question it.
Schools meet more than educational needs
Schools are primarily the site of education, but they are also providers of supervision, safety, lunches and routines. School closure does not just mean children will not be at school, potentially spreading the virus. It means many children will be without adult supervision. Parents and guardians have to be at work. Working from home is not a common option here and, even at this time, employers refuse to consider it. The foolish idea that people are only working if you can see them working prevails. This makes it impossible for people to ensure their children are safe when out of school. Add to this low wages and high cost of living and it is not difficult to see how many cannot afford to pay a sitter.
Children are, no doubt, currently at home alone with instructions to be quiet and not let anyone know they are there, or given responsibilities like taking care of the younger children and walking to a neighbourhood store to purchase food. Parents and guardians are forced to trust family members and friends to drop by and check on their children, hoping they do not, instead, cause them harm. We cannot close schools without making commensurate adjustments to worklife.
There are children on lunch programmes. The number is limited and the criteria strict, so it is obvious these children need to be provided with free lunches. What will they eat when they are at home? They receive free lunches at school because their families cannot afford to feed them otherwise. This does not change when they must now be at home. How can we close schools without thinking about the nutrition of the children who will be behind closed doors?
The disruption in children’s education must also be considered. We all know what happens after a school break when children have not reviewed their work. When they return to school, teachers have to go over old material with them. We cannot have them at home with no curricula to follow and expect them to return in a month and prepare for exams in a few weeks.
What will be done to ensure their education continues? Every child does not have internet access, so virtual school will not work for everyone. Will teachers prepare packages with review material and schedules for them to follow? Who will assist them if they need help? Will there be radio programming to occupy, educate and entertain them while they are at home, and guide them through their days?
These are only three consequences – changes in safety, nutrition, and education - of the closure of school in isolation. The government has not put any measures in place to support families through this change. There has been no announcement of assistance for families that have no one available to stay with their children free of charge and no money to pay someone to do it.
There have been no arrangements made for people to pick up or receive deliveries of the lunches that would have been provided at school. The government is making decisions and leaving gaps. These gaps are huge, and they are directly linked to poverty, hunger and child safety.
If this is an indication of the actions the government intends to take in the face of COVID-19, we are in trouble. We have to speak up now. We have to pay attention to the gaps, point them out, recommend solutions. If we fail to do this, we fail ourselves and our communities. We do not want to be left wondering why there are so many reports of sexual violence or cases of malnutrition in the weeks to come.
How do we make feminist policy?
Have you ever been in a running club? Or a cycling club? One of the strongest runners or cyclists is always at the back. They could go faster, they could be in the front and they could finish first. Clubs, however, are not about that. They are about building community through the enjoyment of an activity, and part of being in community is making sure everyone is safe and no one gets left behind. Someone is always at the back, making sure the slowest, least skilled, or newest person is in their sight.
Feminist policies leave no one behind. They consider the most vulnerable people, put them to the front and design policies that will work for them. This is different from typical policymaking which focuses on the majority and sees vulnerable people as outliers. If the policy will not work for the people with the greatest need and who are the most marginalised, it will not work. It will create greater gaps, and we do not need that.
We need to close the schools. Okay, let’s think it through. Who are the students with the greatest need? We will need to consider those from families with low incomes, those with specific learning needs, those with no one to care for them during school hours, those with disabilities, those with medical needs, etc.
We still need to close schools, but what programmes and services can we implement to ensure they are not left more vulnerable? These could include stipends for caregiving, lunch drop-offs, modified lesson material and scheduled visits from a medical professional. Beyond this, we need to look at other household needs like the ability to work from home and increased food stamps or stipends. Feminist policy identifies existing needs, anticipates the needs that would arise from the proposed change, and directly addresses those needs.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Unit shared an assessment of potential challenges and solutions arising from the COVID-19 crisis, from food (in)security to economic (in)equality, and the necessary response on through its social media channels.
It is important for everyone – government actors, non-governmental organizations, advocates, employers and citizens – to review, consider and act upon the recommendations made in the chart the SDG Unit produced. It is designed to help us to move forward without leaving anyone behind, and we should all be committed to that.
We, the Bahamian community, have to do this together to survive.
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TheMadHatter 4 years, 6 months ago
A number of very excellent points. This article makes it clear what a complex problem and awesome responsibility it is to bring a child into this world.
I've often wondered why child bearing does not require training and a license. If i want to open a hot dog stand on the corner, i need a license and inspections...but if i want to have 7 children i need permission from no one and afterward answer to nobody.
It is considered a human right to "multiply" even though people may just be multiplying problems. Problems. And more problems. The children suffer, then grow up and create new sufferers. It is just normal now, so much so that most people reading this just wonder what i'm even talking about.
stillwaters 4 years, 6 months ago
I am sorry, but this letter makes Bahamians look like helpless children that cannot think, plan, and solve their own problems. Bahamian families will do what families worldwide do in hard times.....take care of each other. This unhealthy dependence on our government is not how strong families evolve.
sheeprunner12 4 years, 6 months ago
Wallace is looking at this through her jaded, biased eyes …….. the same thing that she is accusing others of doing ….. (Grand)Parents will parent, teachers will teach, DOSS will take care of the at-risk ones, and the MOE will set guidelines and policy for online schooling...… Don't panic.
killemwitdakno 4 years, 6 months ago
if families keep expecting solutions to this new problem from gov't, they will fail.
itsTRU 4 years, 6 months ago
I signed up to tribune242 just to respond to this article. I’d like to first say that there are some great points to be considered. Outside of the few points, this article is a classic example of the petulance and wanton attitude most Bahamians have adopted. It’s sad that in the midst of a global crisis someone is chastising the government for “putting the needs of the people before the needs of the man”. Even worse, the writer has asked the government to make provisions for the parents to be parents. Think about it. Where was the feminist policy with family planning. Where was this same policy when people were living paycheck to paycheck? Arguably and agreeably some of these children are on the lunch program so obviously there is a need for provisions. To this I ask, “Should the government intervene in and do the actual family planning for these people prior to them having a family? Should there be a checklist or criteria for people to be allowed to have children? Or, should we trust that feminist policies will take care of everything?” Then, as if the article wasn’t implausible enough; the writer suggest that the government do meal drop offs, give a stipend for caregiving and laughably have medical personnel visit the homes (in the middle of a pandemic where there will be a shortage of health care workers). For argument sake, let’s just say the government decided to enact these feminist policy initiatives; where will the money come from? Are these things free? Or do we believe that the government just says “poof!” and money appears? Maybe the writer is suggesting that the government increase taxes and tariffs and duties to finance this suggestion. Let’s see how much support this gets. We are talking about a people, that despite the likelihood of getting hit with a catastrophic hurricane, scoffed at and rejected the thought of paying taxes for hurricanes. It’s easy to come up with ideas and opinions but we should be realistically discussing plans and strategies, especially with such a forum to speak to the masses. On the verge of dystopia you choose to use your forum to discuss fantastical utopian ideas. Now more than ever we need Bahamians to be more responsible for themselves and parents to be more wholly vested in the wellbeing of their child/children.
sheeprunner12 4 years, 6 months ago
Ditto ……… excellent maiden contribution
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