EDITOR, The Tribune.
There is presently a push to have the African, Caribbean, and Pacific countries sign on to a 20-year binding agreement with the European Union (EU). This is a revised version of two previous agreements that primarily dealt with trade between the regions, amongst other benefits.
However, the comprehensive breadth of the areas of focus under the new agreement, along with certain undefined terms, is real cause for concern. The words ‘human rights’ and ‘gender equality’ have become battle grounds in our modern age. The EU uses these words that appear innocent and even worthy, but I believe that they are cloaks of deception. These words have been used to weaponise the rights for abortion, comprehensive sexual education (CSE), same sex marriage, transgender rights, and others. This treaty will no doubt bring challenges to our values and culture about what we recognise as legitimate rights.
I believe the Bahamas will not allow the UN, WHO, and EU to dictate to us as a sovereign country what we believe is best for our people. We know the preamble to our constitution says that our individual rights as Bahamians are guaranteed by a national commitment to an abiding respect for Christian values. The Bahamas will abide by our constitution and stand up against foreign entities that want us to adopt an ideology that is against our Judeo-Christian values that our country is built on. Let the manner of our bearing be to trust the God of Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, our God, to provide for us and rescue us from a world system that wants us to bow to their secular agenda, taking away our sovereignty, our freedom of choice, and sacrifice our conscience and constitution to their demands. The Caribbean nations are being pressured to accept a treaty that I believe will harm our people. This proposed “economic advantage” is not worth the risk of harming our youth, the future of our country.
We are not a country for sale, neither will we be bullied into selling our birth rights and losing our souls.
November 29, 2023.
hrysippus 1 year, 1 month ago
The dangers posed to our culture and Christian values by the promotion of human right? Would the letter writer, if he had been old enough to pen a letter in the 1950's, been as vehemently opposed to the struggles of the Civil Rights movement to end racial segregation? Perhaps he would indeed as the exact same arguments were used back then by the white racist church going opponents of Martin Luther King and all the many others in the movement.
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