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POLICE ADVICE: From playgrounds to the workplace - tackling the bullies
HOW to identify bullying in the home, school, workplace, and cyber bullying?
OAS has crucial role in region
The Organization of American States is now in its 70th year. An organisation long and naturally dominated by the United States, the OAS has been criticised for that and for other things. But whether they are speaking from the core of their conscience or playing to the TV cameras for points with viewers back home, Western Hemisphere heads of government and foreign ministers often make news when attending an OAS meeting.

ALICIA WALLACE: How you can prepare for the arrival of VAT
VALUE Added Tax will be increased to twelve percent in a matter of days, and many of us are still trying to figure out how to make it work. Adjustments have to be made, some on a daily basis, but this does not mean we have to be uncomfortable. It mea

A COMIC'S VIEW: Here comes Hubully
WITH the dreaded VAT increase days away, Travis is on cleanup duty, Halston speaks in tongues, Sebas for PM, and Hubully is born. The Clean Up Man I think most would agree that it was a brave move for Bain and Grants MP Travis Robinson to vote ag

DIANE PHILLIPS: The little shop with a window back on time
At the southeast corner of Bay & Frederick Streets stands a store that seems to defy time. The sign above the door reads simply A BAKER & SONS, ESTABLISHED 1894. If you were alive when it opened, you would be 124 today and probably not remember the day it opened. But for most of the rest of us, we cannot remember a time when it did not exist nor when we were not fascinated by the fact that it remains, a survivor of the days when men’s shirts and baby clothes shared the same kind of tight plastic see-through protective wrapping.

CULTURE CLASH: Failing families - an easy scapegoat for all our problems
The “breakdown of the family” has been blamed for everything from national examination results to the murder rate. There is generally no data to support the claims when they are made, but we largely agree something is wrong with the home environment. The family is a small, foundational unit that helps to shape many other groups, so it is logical to assume it affects them, doesn’t it?
POLICE ADVICE: Help your child by being a net-savvy parent
Social media sites such as, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and WhatsApp increases communication, access to information and help in developing a sense of self, however, the thoughts of what your child might come across online can be worrying. Here are internet safety advice to make sure going online is a positive experience for you and your child.

FACE TO FACE: A childhood dream to give a life of service
Reverend George Bodie is a prime example of the truth that your circumstances in life do not have to define the outcome of your life. In times like these with violence and crime on the rise and with inner cities constantly threatened by gang activity, Rev Bodie shares his path to a life that is one to be proud of.

A COMIC'S VIEW: On the funny side of Easter ... or why some hair spray might restore your faith in a good joke
Since Easter is approaching, and Good Friday is a holiday, I thought I’d get the jump on the ‘Easter Bunny’ with some ‘Easter Funny.’

A COMIC'S VIEW: Marijuana – if we legalise it, we must also decriminalise it
I have long stated that the barbershop is one of the last bastions of free speech.