Teen gets three-year sentence for gun and ammo possession


Tribune Staff Reporter


A nineteen-year-old youth was sentenced to three years in prison yesterday after admitting to having a loaded gun last Friday.

Magistrate Lennox Coleby charged Orville Cocharne with possession of an unlicensed gun and possession of ammunition.

The defendant faced additional charges of stealing and possession of dangerous drugs with intent to supply.

Cocharne is accused of stealing a car battery and Nissan headlights valued at $860 from Sarah Coakley on Beaumontia Avenue between October 11 and 12, 2023.

The accused was reportedly found with a black Taurus G3 9mm pistol and nine rounds of ammunition on May 17. He was also allegedly found with 1.5lb of marijuana.

Cocharne pleaded guilty to all but the drug charge. He told the magistrate he had the gun for his protection, claiming he had been the victim of violence in the past.

Magistrate Coakley sentenced the accused to three years in prison on the gun charge. He also ordered that he be  enrolled in BJC courses.

Cocharne was also fined $1,000 on the stealing charge and risks an additional year in prison if he fails to pay. He must also compensate the complainant $900 or risk another year in jail.

The drug charge against the defendant was withdrawn, and he was informed of his right to appeal his sentencing on the other charges.

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