November 20, 2017
Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis.
Stories this photo appears in:

Minnis: $200m corruption losses a conservative estimate
PRIME Minister Dr Hubert Minnis said yesterday he was being “conservative” with his estimation when he said The Bahamas loses $200m a year to corruption.

Fast track justice sends illegals home
PRIME Minister Dr Hubert Minnis confirmed yesterday that he sent a magistrate to Inagua on Tuesday to convict and facilitate the deportation more than 200 Haitian migrants who were caught illegally trying to enter the country.

Kickback demands kept investors away
PRIME Minister Dr Hubert Minnis again accused the Christie administration of being corrupt, telling the House of Assembly last night he has heard that some foreign investors have been hesitant to do business here for fear of being asked for a “so-called incentive”.

Oil facility Heads of Agreement to be signed
THE first of three Heads of Agreement for the development of an oil refinery and oil storage facility in Grand Bahama will be signed on Monday, Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis announced yesterday. The Oban Energy project is estimated to be worth mor

PM consoles families of plane crash victims
EVEN as they struggled with the sudden death of their loved ones, family of the six recent plane crash victims in Andros visited a government complex in North Andros Friday and were consoled and comforted by Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis and some of his parliamentary colleagues.

Prime Minister to visit relatives of victims
PRIME Minister Dr Hubert Minnis will visit the families of those who died in Wednesday’s tragic plane crash in Andros, telling reporters yesterday he too has been affected by this “unfortunate” event.

PM challenges Bahamians to prove negative reports wrong
PRIME Minister Dr Hubert Minnis on Friday said the US State Department was within its rights to warn American citizens in the Bahamas and insisted the advisory offers the country a chance to "elevate" its tourism product.

Minnis to discuss marital rape laws and marijuana in Cabinet meeting
PRIME Minister Dr Hubert Minnis will devote a day of Cabinet meetings to discuss marijuana and marital rape with his ministers, his Press Secretary Anthony Newbold said.

Rules changes on foreign money in Bahamian bank accounts
PRIME Minister Dr Hubert Minnis yesterday announced the relaxation of exchange controls on capital and current trade account transactions allowing Bahamian owned businesses to maintain operating deposit accounts up to $100,000 in foreign currency at domestic commercial banks.

Minnis: Get out or secure status
WHILE stating “too many” illegal immigrants are “taking” jobs from Bahamians, Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis last night again urged undocumented migrants to leave the country by his December 31 deadline or apply for legal status.

PM signs contract for second Bahamas Paradise Cruise Line ship
PRIME Minister Dr Hubert Minnis signed a contract for the introduction of the second ship to Bahamas Paradise Cruise Line, the mv Grand Classica, which will commence cruises to Grand Bahama in April 2018. It was also announced that the mv Grand Celebration will resume cruises to Freeport from December 23.

Minnis: Financial sector is 'dying'
THE financial services sector is “dying,” Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis said Saturday while stressing the importance of creating new economic pillars.

Crime’s down, now jobs is my priority
PRIME Minister Dr Hubert Minnis yesterday said crime and the fear of crime is down, telling reporters his administration has now turned its focus to the country’s economy.

PM to make Christmas address
PRME Minister Dr Hubert Minnis is slated to make a national address for the Christmas holiday and another early in the New Year; however it’s not clear when promised quarterly press conferences will be introduced.

‘What PM says is up to him’
PRESS Secretary Anthony Newbold has defended Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis from criticism that he makes too many premature announcements, saying Dr Minnis is entitled to “make statements that he feels are appropriate for him to make,” including about major matters not yet discussed with his Cabinet colleagues”.

‘More gracious’, please Dr Minnis
BAHAMAS Press Club President Anthony Capron said Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis should have been “more gracious” in his keynote address at Saturday’s awards banquet for members of the media.
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