The dangers of choosing PLP

EDITOR, The Tribune.

NO ISSUES more clearly articulate the characteristics which have defined the operating style of a Christie-led government as we have come to know it and to contrast it with what we have come to expect from the present Administration than this issue of oil drilling and the Bahamas Petroleum Company.

Two weeks ago, Mr Christie confirmed to the press that he was presently serving as a consultant to Bahamas Petroleum Company, a company with a license to drill for oil in the Bahamas.

According to the company, it had an "obligation" to drill a well this year under the terms of its license.

After a considerable public reaction to Mr Christie's disclosure, he followed a week later with a denial that he was acting as a consultant at this time.

Furthermore, he later declared that under a Christie government there would be no drilling for oil in the Bahamas until he has put the question of oil drilling to referendum for a decision by the Bahamian people.

In addition to Mr Christie, other members of his political team, who presumably would be a part of his government if it comes to office after the upcoming general election, also have strong links to Bahamas Petroleum Company. At a glance, the company seemed well secured within the fold of Mr Christie's political party.

One cannot be sure precisely how recently Mr Christie determined that a referendum would be necessary to enable drilling to take place in the Bahamas, but it was some time after the public reaction to the disclosure of his consultancy.

In this example, there are several of the very distinct characteristics which had become too frequently associated with the Christie-led PLP Administration: the sense that there could be corruption afoot; that there might be duplicity and compromise in government policy and dealings; that there could possibly be blatant dishonesty in public communication, and that an investor could have been compromised, wittingly or unwittingly.

This is to be contrasted with the position of Prime Minister Ingraham set out in his unequivocal statement in Parliament on oil drilling in the Bahamas, and restated just recently, that no permission would be given by his government unless and until all necessary and appropriate regulations are in place and we are fully competent to regulate that activity so as to protect our environment and that of the oceans beyond from harmful and risky activity in our country and in our waters.

To those apologists for Mr Christie and the PLP who complain that we are lashing them with yesterday's skullduggery I say, not so! This is a very current issue and a clear and present danger. Try as much as they wish to convince us otherwise, their promise of change is hollow.



May, 2012.


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