Tribune Staff Reporter
THE Ministry of Transport and Aviation has received a “myriad” of complaints from the public over the country’s jitney service – including one charge of “pornography being shown on the buses,” according to State Minister Hope Strachan.
Ms Strachan said yesterday that she met with a number of drivers to address these concerns and also to hear feedback from them on the planned unification of the bus system - which she admitted will have an “enormous” cost.
The minister said she was excited to find out jitney drivers are willing to support that unification – which has a tentative schedule to “get going” within the next fiscal year – and the government already has accountants on board to place a value on the franchises.
“The meeting about a week and a half ago and was held with the jitney drivers, public service franchise owners,” Ms Strachan said. “The reason for the meeting was we felt it was time for us to really sit with the franchise owners to remind them of their responsibility as franchise owners – their responsibility not only to the public, but also to the persons who drive the jitneys.
“We wanted to not only address a lot of complaints which we’ve been getting about jitney drivers and the way that they drive on the streets of New Providence but we also wanted to hear from them about any issues which they may have had with the Road Traffic Department and with the ministry.”
The meeting was well attended by “a good portion” of the franchise owners, Ms Strachan said, and she believes the meeting went well.
“We were able to convey to them our concerns about the industry and the way forward,” she said.
“Chief among the concerns were things like jitney drivers driving off of their routes, failing to obey good practices as it relates to the general public – things like use of loud music on the buses. In some respects we had persons showing videos on the buses... We had a complaint from one of the bus users about pornography being shown on the buses.
“We also addressed things like their uniforms – being properly uniformed while they are driving. Things like obeying the traffic, the road regulations, not speeding, overtaking.
“We just addressed a myriad of issues which the public brought to our attention and which we feel are very, very important to the public for the health of the public transportation system.”
The drivers also gave feedback on the government’s plan to unify the system - a plan that has been talked about since their last term in office.
“For the most part they actually are going to support that initiative so I’m really excited about that,” Ms Strachan said. “I’m hoping and praying we are able to really get that going within the course of the next fiscal year. We we’re very excited to hear from them that they are actually on-board.
“It is a huge undertaking and I’m sure the cost involved is going to be enormous. However, we haven’t really valued it. What we are doing as we speak is, the accountants at Deloitte and Touche are actually engaged in an exercise where they are actually placing value on the franchises because, of course, we know the unification will involve a formation of a corporation with shares being issued and it’s going to be a public-private sector joint venture.”
proudloudandfnm 11 years, 4 months ago
Far as I am concerend every single jitney driver in Nassau should lose their license. And our police really need to get real. How most of the jitney drivers still have a drivers license is beyond me. Time to institute a point system for jitney and cab drivers, every traffic offense should result in points being applied to the driver's license. Once you get a number of points you automatically lose your license. No need for a judge to make a decision, make it an automatic process.
Jitney's are the greatest threat to public safety on a daily basis it is time to get them folks in line, if they choose to conitue to drive like raving lunatics then they lose their job. Simple as that. The way they drive tells me they have no intelligence or respect for anyone or anything. How can anyone have a conversation with these thugs? Put meausres in place, no talking, act now. Make them know that we the general public hate them with a passion for how they act everyday. Make them know we have ZERO respect for them. Get those thugs in line now!!!
Stapedius 11 years, 4 months ago
Talk is cheap. They agreed to many things the last time and in the end it became politics as usual. I say revoke them all and make it a true bus service. Streamline the service with proper bus colours and some sense of uniformity. Implement proper schedules and routes and lets have sensible bus stops and stations. Which modern city you know has a bus system where every bus colour is different, the driver stops where he sees fit (including at the gas pumps with passengers on board), and we the passengers and fellow commuters have the displeasure of hearing the drivers favourite playlist?
digimagination 11 years, 4 months ago
The whole transport thing is a joke... the jitneys... meaningless vehicle inspections (a cheap way to collect lots of money with nought to show for it) ... and the boring list goes on, and on ad nauseum.
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