Attorney pleads not guilty to causing harm

HUMAN rights lawyer Fred Smith, QC, appeared before magistrates today and pleaded not guilty to a single charge of causing harm to another man.

Mr Smith, who was released on his own recognizance after being charged earlier in the week, had said he was shocked when he was informed of the accusations.

The charge came after an incident at Jaws Beach, when Smith’s alleged victim claimed that Smith knocked him down on April 25.

Smith and his attorney J. Henry Bostwick will now prepare for the trial.


david2323 11 years, 1 month ago

I hope they jail the white collars criminals!

Tarzan 11 years, 1 month ago

Let's see. Man in a National Park, surrounded by group of thugs wielding iron bars, who chase him to his car and then smash his car windows. (All on video by the way.)

Man immediately files detailed police report supported by video and pictures.

One of the thugs (Mr. Koed Smith) pictured in video with iron bar in hand,is charged with assault. Then and only then, claim of harm by automobile from an anonymous thug emerges, and police file a charge against the assault victim?

In his car, as man is attempting to escape from grave bodily harm by backing out, this anonymous thug claims he was "brushed by car". No injury claimed. No contemporaneous police report filed.

You have to be kidding. We knew that in the Bahamas there is no "stand your ground" law, but I guess the authorities assert there is a "you can't even try to escape" law.

Law abiding citizen is supposed to just sit there and get beaten to death by thugs, or face criminal charges lest he touch one trying to escape. Wonderful world.

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