Tribune Staff Reporter
HOUSE Speaker Kendal Major suspended parliamentary proceedings and issued a scathing reprimand to arguing members on both sides of the House of Assembly last night, accusing them of “acting like children” – to the detriment of the national interest.
After suspending the House for five minutes following a heated shouting match that Dr Major tried several times in vain to control, he threatened to single out MPs for reprimand if it continued.
“I am deeply disturbed by the actions I saw here tonight,” he said. “I had an opportunity to speak to the House Leader and the Leader of Opposition business and I issued a warning to both; and going forth, I shall not suspend the House, I will start to name persons – one by one.
“And so let this be the last time we experience such disrespect and disorder in this place. The country doesn’t need this at this time. I’m not going to preach, but I’ll tell you, I’m not going to take this post as chair and Speaker of this honourable House of Assembly and watch you grown men and women, act like children.
“I’m not going to tolerate it. Let it be said, on the record, today. This is no game to me. I have high respect and regard for each of you, I expect that in return. So leaders, lead.”
The row was sparked in the middle of Montagu MP Richard Lightbourn’s contribution, when he claimed credit for certain national projects for the FNM.
Prime Minister Perry Christie rose on a point of order, and said Mr Lightbourn was not in the House of Assembly to hear the former FNM government try to claim credit for the Thomas A Robinson Stadium.
“That stadium came from this end – from my mouth,” Mr Christie said. “That’s where it came from – nothing else. The president of China acknowledge that on this recent trip.”
The prime minister also added: “The international airport is a PLP government affair.”
His comments sparked criticism from Long Island MP and FNM Deputy Leader Loretta Butler-Turner who took issue with Mr Christie’s comments.
Soon, a heated exchange broke out between several members of both parties over the airport and the stadium as Dr Major attempted to regain control of the House.
The government side questioned: “What did (the FNM) do?” as the opposition responded in kind.
“All members take your seats,” Dr Major was forced to yell over the din. “Members, take your seats!”
As his requests were either ignored or not heard during the heated argument, Dr Major loudly announced: “The House suspends immediately, for five minutes.”
The House resumed after the temporary break, when the Speaker noted at the end of his reprimand: “For the record, it (the suspension) had nothing to do with the member for Montagu who was on his feet giving a presentation.”
If there was a point of order, Dr Major said, “I’d like to continue from that point.”
Continuing, Mr Christie said he only rose to indicate that Mr Lightbourn was “incorrect” with respect to the Lynden Pindling International Airport and the Thomas A Robinson Stadium.
Mrs Butler-Turner also rose to say: “The only thing that happen to the Lynden Pindling International Airport under that administration was the slapping of the name on a new masthead out there.”
She also credited the prior Ingraham Administration for “mobilising” the work at the stadium.
UserOne 11 years, 8 months ago
If Mr. Christie would put his overinflated ego aside and actually do his job, he wouldn't have to shout out claims about what he has done; the people would know.
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 8 months ago
Praise God, someone has started to talk sense. Leaders Lead
B_I_D___ 11 years, 8 months ago
I can only tolerate watching the parliamentary channel for a few seconds at a time as I find the behaviour, the lack of respect, the ignorance, and even the portrayal of POOR EDUCATION that is present on that parliament floor. Take the suits off of some of these people and they would barely pass for street trash if you tried to carry on a conversation with them out in public...and these are our leaders...ON BOTH SIDES!!
Ironvelvet 11 years, 8 months ago
OMG It is clearly known that the FNM is responsible for the stadium, the airport, the roads, all major infrastructural changes! What has Mr. Christie ever done...ZIPPO!!!!
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 8 months ago's puzzling. I don't want to understand, I would have to be him, and I cant afford that this week, I have a few things to get done.
Islandgirl 11 years, 8 months ago
Mr. Christie, seriously now: what reality do you live in? You cannot claim credit for things you have not done. We all understand your desperate desire to establish a legacy, but this is not the way. History cannot be re-written and luckily we have other ways of documenting other than outrageous claims you make in the HOA. Do you want to be known for something? Here are a few suggestions. Make a speech encouraging Bahamians to improve themselves. Tell them it is okay to farm the land, fish and "be hewers of wood." There is no shame in that. Tell them it is ok to provide SERVICE and that it is not SERVITUDE. Promote saving and working for what one wants and not to squander and steal from one's brethren. And please do promote accurate history, including that of those who served prior to 1967 who have remained the architects of our economy for more than sixty years. Tourism, international finance are their ideas, their blueprints and you all make it seem like they did nothing, and credit others for it, just as you are attempting to do in this instance. Fix that please. That can be your legacy.
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