EDITOR, The Tribune.
Thank you for allowing me space in your most valuable paper to express my heterosexual views – my “straight” insight into a matter that is perplexing, distasteful, wrongful and a growing sin, morally and biblically. Yes, this matter of the homosexual/bisexual plague, I would say.
This matter of gay marriages, etc, I greatly detest and abhor such unions or cohabiting and is shocked of any laws of any country that accommodates, gives consent and approves such copulations.
The laws of a country that allows this should be annulled, it is too “going against the grain”, so to speak. I feel that persons who are stuck or enjoy being in such unnatural behaviours should be left on their own – if you get my drift.
This writer is an advocate in the human rights/civil rights arena, as well as, is for justice for all, with emphasis and operation in the home country of The Bahamas, so being this as it may “Watch D” believes that all persons whether gay, bisexual or other, are entitled to their human rights, and not discriminated against as such, but, man! Don’t go overboard with it, or against the grain; and, also via observations of some scenarios, we feel as though many gay and bisexuals are too brazen in public, and, there are some who discriminate against straight persons like myself being spiteful in various ways and using force and harassing tactics, and say you are one of them.
This is appalling! Let’s look to the Bible. Genesis chapter 1: verses 26 and 27, what do we see? We understand that man as a collective creation still exists in separate bodies – male(s) and female(s).
They are not pictured as a cross – or complexity in one body or person – whether it be a male or female – that won’t be normal! Henceforth as the homosexual/bisexual/lesbian, so such a sex(s) could only be some kind or type of biological dysfunction or malfunction, it is not natural. It has gone wrong, from the natural order of things.
Now on this same subject it is seen that there are many, be it she or he who choose to indulge in same sex relationships. It is merely an unnatural practice for money and fund. They nurture this way of life, overall. Such persons are sick! And on one hand are evil, and could eventually erode away the principles and decency of a city or state as well, in a modern/civilisation. So what can be done to hold back total disaster?
We treat the sick, and deal with the other portion of this evil as persons who are afflicted with some kind of disease of the mind or, criminality and negative behaviours that is a great threat and hurt to a otherwise normal society and country, however, persons who are of such abnormalities would have to want to become a normal person as far as their sex are concerned.
In parting - don’t forget Sodom and Gomorrah and Genesis chapter 2: verses 21 through 25, for this is the true and normal marriage, any other surely could be an abomination! Genesis 19: verses 24 and 25. Last but not least I was greatly encouraged and elated over the March 26, 2014 letters to the Editor by one D Moss: “Dr Munroe on the LGBT” issue, it was beautiful! So true. I whole heartedly support Dr Myles Munroe on his view as well.
March 31, 2014.
newcitizen 10 years, 5 months ago
I can't believe that you allow this bigoted garbage to be published in your newspaper and on your website.
proudloudandfnm 10 years, 5 months ago
Wow. Dude might as well put on his white robe and go burn some crosses. What a waste of sperm....
susankatz 10 years, 5 months ago
i myself cannot believe that the tribune has allowed this ignorance to be published as well. we have what is called free speech, but this sort of hate and ugliness simply perpetuates the bigotry that is already so rife in this country! maybe your editors should be a bit more selective in the letters that they choose. i am shocked that the title alone of this letter did not disgust you!! a plague? really? sounds reminiscent of the words that were used during what we know as the holocaust, no? i would hope in the future that you think about what is published...this is just pure filth...
TheMadHatter 10 years, 5 months ago
I very very much disagree with the author of this Letter to the Editor. However, I also disagree with you that he should not be able to express his views here. I applaud the Tribune for allowing me to comment almost daily on several articles, along with many others on various subjects and all of us often expressing varying views and disagreements - but respectful (mainly) of each other.
Such discussion is a part of our democracy.
While I disagree a thousand percent with the writer of this letter, I support 100% his right to write it and am grateful to the Tribune for publishing it.
ForegoneConclusion 10 years, 5 months ago
How very heterosexualist of you to decide who can have the same rights that you have. According to you, "every one is entitled to human rights." Apparently, according to you, those human rights do not extend to the homosexual/bisexual community as far as marriage is concerned. So you really don't believe in human rights for all unless they are heterosexual. What a contradiction! Then you talk about discrimination by homosexuals. Homosexuals/bisexuals have been discriminated against by people like you using the bible as a weapon to justify that discrimination. I guarantee this has happened more to gay people by people of your ilk than has ever happened to heterosexuals. Discrimination is WRONG PERIOD! Speaking of the bible, have you ever heard of the quote "judge not, lest you be judged? Or, how about "Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone? That's right, you probably only believe these bible quotes when they serve your purpose. The bible has been wrong before and it can and will be wrong again. For example, the bible condones slavery and actually promotes slavery. Obviously that is wrong. One of life's great mysteries for me is how and why so many Black people believe in Christianity having had the history of slavery that they do. The bible also speaks of the four corners of he Earth which infers that the Earth is flat (there are no corners on a globe). Remember, the bible was written by a group of totally uneducated individuals who were supposedly divinely inspired but who apparently were not divinely inspired enough to know that the Earth was NOT the center of the universe, the Catholics having to apologize to Galileo for accusing him of blasphemy. Obviously that is wrong. Homosexuals and bisexuals have been with us since the beginning of time. It is something that happens every now and than when heterosexuals have children. They deserve the same human rights as everyone else. I love people who use the bible as a weapon to beat up people up with. By doing so, they reveal just how narrow-minded, bigoted and intolerant that they are. That is what religion will do for you. It apparently gives some people the right to bash and discriminate against certain groups of people as if instructed by god. If you have an 800 number for god, I wish you or anyone of your delusional believers would publish it so we can hear the word of god from he/her/it themselves rather than from an ignorant blowhard such as yourself! Keep quoting the bible. We've heard it all before. In this case, it obviously changes nothing. We are all supposedly created in his image. Since gay people have been around since the beginning of time, that obviously includes homosexuals and bisexuals as well. Get over it!
DEDDIE 10 years, 5 months ago
Actually you are wrong ForegoneConclusion. Quite the contrary, two of the major contributors of the Bible were highly educated. Moses would have being educated by the best Egypt had to offer. Paul was educated at a Pharisitical School.These school were equivalent to the best law school of today. Also you should learn to read the Bible in context. The four corners of the world does not mean what you are indicating. The statement shows "TO WHAT EXTENT", its no different if I say, "I will slap your head off" or do you believe that your head will actually come off. With regards to homosexuals, I will not present a religious argument but a sanitary one. There is good reason why we wash our hands after using the bathroom.If you caught your child playing in his excrement I am quite sure you will teach him different. Even the homosexual if he is honest, would admit that nature design that particular body part to go into a particular place. Notice both arguments were common sense ones.
ForegoneConclusion 10 years, 5 months ago
@Deddie; The two major "contributors" to the bible were highly educated? Actually these "contributors" did not even know how to write so they had to have scribes do the writing for them. These scribes could add or subtract ANYTHING they wanted and embellish these writings as well. It is also difficult to imagine how a school that supposedly existed thousands of years ago could be compared to "the best law school of today." So much for educated "contributors." You do, as usual bring up the so called "sanitary issue" which the gay bashers always use as an excuse against homosexuality. I might remind you that some heterosexuals use anal sex as a form of birth control. Heterosexuals probably invented anal sex but this is an issue that is seldom brought up by the gay bashers because if heterosexuals engage in this act, it is apparently all right if not ignored. Not all homosexuals engage in anal sex either. I would also remind you that during a woman's menstrual cycle, lots of unsanitary material is released as well. As a matter of fact, the bible says that a woman should be thrown out of her house during her menstrual cycle as she is unclean. Don't see too many women being thrown out of their houses today as this bible fact is obviously largely ignored. Imagine being thrown out of your house for what is obviously a natural bodily function for a woman. Heterosexuals obviously engage in sexual relations during a woman's menstrual cycle but we never hear the religious perverts bringing this subject up. What two consenting adults do behind closed doors should be their own business but the religious zealots seem to be fixated on the sexual activities of others, especially gay people. As far as your claim that natural design equates that a "particular body part go into a particular place." Does this apply to oral sex? We all know that heterosexuals engage in lots and lots of oral sex but again, what is good for one group, apparently doesn't apply to another group. It would appear that some "believers" have a particularly boring sex life or are just plain ignorant of the subject. They have sex in the missionary position for fifteen minutes every Saturday night if they are lucky. There are lots of so called abominations in the bible as in don't eat shell fish, pork etc. which are also largely ignored today. The only abomination that matters is the ones about the gays. This is both selective religion and discriminatory. I have always wondered how it was that Jesus Christ himself, in his 33 years of existence on this planet, never had a single thing to say about homosexuality. If it was such a great sin than why did He ignore that? I am sure that you, as well as all of the so called Christian ministers of the world will NEVER be able to provide an answer for that fact!
EasternGate 10 years, 5 months ago
It is amusing how so called intellectuals try to intimidate with their lofty essays of "wisdom". No matter how they try to spin it, six is a half dozen, and a half dozen is six. Homosexuality is an abomination and unclean - full stop!
TheMadHatter 10 years, 5 months ago
To the writer of this Letter to the Editor. I respect fully your right to your views and applaud the Tribune for being open to publishing different points of view - of everyone.
However, if you wish to live your life according to Genesis and other Old Testament teachings, may I suggest you study carefully:
Deuteronomy 23: vs.12 & 13
milesair 10 years, 5 months ago
Real progressive countries are extending rights to LGBT people worldwide. Countries like Spain, The Netherlands, Canada, the U.K., Mexico, Brazil and the U.S. which is living up to its creed that ALL men are created equal, not just heterosexuals. Even here in the Bahamas, the Bahamian constitution does not technically discriminate and what consenting adults do privately is NOT against the law. Maybe one day some of the people who don't believe in equality for all will be able to accept this progressive concept. But for some, ignorance will truly remain blissful for them. We are all not truly free until all men enjoy freedom and equal rights!
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