Tribune Staff Reporter
CONTROVERSIAL College of the Bahamas presidential candidate Dr Rodney Smith yesterday expressed hope that the public would accept him as a “man of integrity” despite a high profile plagiarism scandal that led to his resignation from the position in 2005.
Dr Smith said in a press statement that nine years later, he remains deeply regretful of the “mistake”, but added that he is determined to use the experience to teach students and others of the importance of exercising good judgment along with the consequences associated with carelessness in academia.
He called on people not to focus on the past, but on the future of generations of Bahamians to come.
“Nine years ago, I made a serious mistake,” Dr Smith said. “That mistake resulted in my resignation from the presidency of the college. I deeply regret the mistake and the embarrassment it caused. It was and remains my decision to accept full responsibility for it. I am determined to use my experiences to teach students and others of the importance of exercising good judgment and about consequences associated with carelessness in academia. This mistake will never happen again.
“I know that the college will need the support of all Bahamian people, corporations and organisations in creating a national university system; along with that of all civic and political leaders throughout the country and the international community, in general. As a Bahamian who is committed to the development of our country, I ask that everyone focus on the future for our generations of Bahamians yet to come.”
He continued: “If I am offered the position and we are able to negotiate acceptable terms, it would be an honour and a privilege to serve the College of The Bahamas and my country as a whole, the larger Commonwealth of the Bahamas, as we focus on futuristic goals. If we work together, I have no question that the future is extremely bright and positive. It is time to continue the movement forward, upward, onward and together.
“I continue to have respect and harbour no animosity toward any who may have questioned the appropriateness of my selection by the College Council for the presidency of the college. The Bahamas is a great democracy where persons are free to speak their mind. It is my sincere hope and prayer that, in time, all will come to appreciate the essence of which I am, a man of integrity with a desire to serve, including a burning desire to serve and advance his country.”
It was confirmed last week that COB’s College Council recommended Dr Smith as its choice to fill the position. The matter is now awaiting Cabinet approval.
Last week College Council president Alfred Sears defended the selection process saying Dr Smith was one of four shortlisted candidates and was recommended to the Council by the Advisory Search Committee (ASC). In its assessment, the ASC noted that Dr Smith has extensive leadership experience, impressive credentials and an in-depth knowledge of the institutional mechanisms needed to ensure peak performance levels in all areas of the operation of an academic institution.
Despite the ASC’s assessment, Dr Smith’s consideration for the post has elicited criticism, notably from businessman and former COB Council president Franklyn Wilson, who has gone public with opposing statements to the former president being reappointed.
sheeprunner12 10 years, 6 months ago
Why is this guy still talking???????? Is he that desperate for the COB job OR ....... has he ben promised something else by the Perry crew???????????? This is really hilarious.............. BOL. Whether he is competent or not ............... he has seriously ruined his reputation in the eyes of the ordinary Bahamian ............. but again ordinary Bahamians dont seem to matter anymore
TalRussell 10 years, 6 months ago
PM strong feelings on the streets over this one. PM Christie make no mistake about it, the peoples done messaging you to be extra cautious what you do with Dr. Rodney's 'reinstatement,' cause it ain't going take too much more for the very peoples who returned you to power to completely 'check-out' on anything Christie or PLP and it could happen - before 2017? The peoples so damn close to messaging Queen Liz, through Her Majesty's Governor-General to go stuff your 5 years in-office mandate.
Comrades since when has the COB selection committee backed by all we members of the peoples cabinet - been left to decide; if you knows how to 'copy and paste,' you is qualified to be 'reinstated' as the COB president? Surly, no student can ever be disciplined for referring to they college president as Comrade 'Paste & Copy' Dr. Rodney? It was the late PM Pindling who said after losing the General Election - how he had so underestimated how disappointed Bahamalander's were with him and his cabinet.
MaLambee 10 years, 6 months ago
Of Course he could apologise, laughing all the way to the bank. He did not have to pay for his mistake. Most people 'do the time pay the crime' To reinstate him in such a position is an insult to the Bahamian people and what is he telling our students?
sheeprunner12 10 years, 6 months ago
Who is Rodney Smith .......... who is his blood relatives, political connections, business associates ?????????????? There has to be more to this than an academic looking for a job.
dehavmoss 10 years, 6 months ago
So one and done is what everyone saying. Dr. Smith made a mistake and he should be done. A suitably qualified Bahamian is to be denied another chance to lead COB because he made a mistake for which he has already paid and apologized for. If we hold this same non practical standard for our other leaders, I dare say we would have no one to lead. If it were up to me, I would give Dr. Smith another chance especially since he is the most suitably qualified Bahamian that was apart of the process.
ThisIsOurs 10 years, 6 months ago
Yes, he is "done" for this position where his role will be oversight of a student body who are required to submit self authored work and taught that plagiarism is a serious offense. He is free to take up any other post that does not include that responsibility. Some mistakes you don't get to wash away. Perhaps he can give guest speeches on the high cost of plagiarizing someone else's work..
TalRussell 10 years, 6 months ago
Comrade Dehavmoss, is saying you're kinda sorry - after you were caught in the act - sufficient? I guess every other high profile executive other than a college president understands, the first rule of resigning is you never sign something you do not understand. From the sounds if it, Comrade Dr. Rodney didn't understand back in 2005, that when someone shoves a letter of resignation under your nose - you don't sign it - unless you are willing to live with all the consequences of affixing your signature to it. Ask Bamboo Town's Comrade Renard about not signing resignation letters - even when they come from your PM? It ain't like the COB Council was polite in demanding their president's resignation back in 2005 over his talking in a part of he speech - thoughts, ideas, or expressions he represented to his students as he own. In fact, they were plagiarized without permission from a speech which had been previously delivered by New York University President Comrade Sexton to he own students. If you didn't originate in your head the thoughts you don't have be too damn smart to know - if they ain't your thoughts you can't stand before your students to pretend they is your thoughts. Did i get it right?
My5Cents 10 years, 6 months ago
I say give the man a chance. All the voters who vote PLP made a major mistake especially Tal. Y'all still get another chance to vote in 2017 right? If the man capable of doing the job then let him do it.
TalRussell 10 years, 6 months ago
Comrades, on the College Of Bahamas's Seal are written the following words to remind all students and faculty, all about: KNOWLEDGE . TRUTH . INTEGRITY.
Maybe Dr. Rodney and PLP Cabinet Ministers need read this too.
afficianado 10 years, 6 months ago
You couldn't have said it better.. I agree with you.
sansoucireader 10 years, 6 months ago
Don't even know why he was included in the four candidates. Should never have being nominated! The choice should have being between one of the three other worthy candidates. What message are you sending to other qualified candidates? And the message to students? I too would like to know 'who his people is' and why certain people seem to want him as president. Investigate TRIBUNE!
NewJersey 10 years, 6 months ago
He received a 'financial settlement' after his last 'go round' after resigning at COB. Does he pay that back or does he make money on failure? Remember, he was asked to leave his previous position because of a vote of "NO CONFIDENCE' the faculty here in new Jersey....
sheeprunner12 10 years, 6 months ago
This is PLP "M-O" at its best ................... you are rewarded for FU*#& ing up. Anyone who wants to defend this is missing the point. He may be a nice guy, smart guy, a good Bahamian but he committed an egregious error of judgement as an academic. He resigned, he got his financial settlement ..... good riddance. And he is not a spring chicken ........ he is already over 60 years of age ............... There must be younger qualified persons out there. SMDH
Well_mudda_take_sic 10 years, 6 months ago
This fella Smith reminds me a lot of that most apologetic tax dodger Ishmael Lightbourne. They are both constantly whining how life has been so unfair to them and therefore, as good upright Christians, they very much deserve to be forgiven of all their transgressions and sinful ways so that they may continue sucking on the Public purse at the expense of hardworking Bahamians. Meanwhile most Bahamians can only dream of having had the opportunities that these two useless sods have had and squandered for their nefarious self-gain. In the same way that a thief like Lightbourne does not ever deserve to be involved in the financial affairs of our country or any third party, Smith does not ever deserve to be the head of COB given the nature of his transgressions in a setting where academic honesty must be held sacrosanct if it is to be upheld and respected. There are numerous situations where the nature of the transgression must necessarily be followed by an appropriate penalty for life, no matter how purportedly good or Christian like the offender may be. Most Bahamians, including Christie himself and most of his cabinet members, fail to understand and appreciate this simple fact of life!
thomas 10 years, 6 months ago
What was his "mistake" ? Knowingly using someone else's speech
sheeprunner12 10 years, 6 months ago
Politicians wont understand this............... they are always tiefin, schemin and copy and pasting to "one up" each other ........................... thats why its so wrong that Cabinet has to pick the new COB president. Just look at Jumbey Village and UR2.0.... thats extreme intellectual dishonesty
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