BNCC opposed to COB reappointing Dr Rodney Smith as president


THE Bahamas National Citizen’s Coalition is opposed to any move to reappoint Dr Rodney Smith as president of the College of the Bahamas and said yesterday that him being considered shows the “regressive thinking” of the college’s nominating board.

The BNCC questioned the competence of COB’s advisory board for recommending Dr Smith to return as president in spite of his earlier departure from the college in 2005 for being involved in a plagiarism scandal.

The statement read: “The audacity of having his name resurface at the college again, speaks unwisely about those who made the nomination, and provides us with a clear insight into the working of their regressive thinking. BNCC admonishes the board to free the college of their insulting recommendation.


“The college board must understand it’s their sacred and fundamental duty to uphold the honour, integrity and vision of the college. Our students and our nation are both deserving of our best choice as we trod toward higher economic grounds.”

Dr Smith’s nomination and possible reappointment have come under fire from some people who think he is unfit for the post.

Franklyn Wilson, the college’s former council chairman and a major benefactor, has said that Dr Smith’s reappointment would be a “significant error for the country.”

In 2005, Dr Smith made a speech at COB’s honours convocation, however, a part of his speech was previously given by an American academic. Dr Smith did not attribute the remarks to that academic.

Dr Smith recently revealed in an address to the college that the incident that led to the scandal “was not an intentional omission on the part of the person that drafted the remarks” and that the owner of the speech, then-president of New York University Dr John Sexton has given him “carte blanche permission to use the document in whatever manner I wished.”

On Monday Dr Smith released a statement which expressed hope that the public would accept him as a “man of integrity”.


He said that nine years after the plagiarism scandal, he remains deeply regretful of the “mistake”, but added that he is determined to use the experience to teach students and others of the importance of exercising good judgment along with the consequences associated with carelessness in academia.

However, the BNCC’s statement expressed its unwillingness to accept his attempts at atonement.

“Dr Smith, this is not about forgiveness, you can seek forgiveness between you and your heavenly Father in your own private moment of penance,” the statement read. “For God’s sake, Dr Smith, your quick departure will suffuse us with some badly needed fresh tropic air.”

Dr Smith was one of four candidates up for nomination for the presidential post. He beat out Drs Phillip Carey, Gregory Carey and Olivia Saunders for the position.

COB’s College Council has recommended Dr Smith as its choice to fill the position. The matter is now awaiting Cabinet approval.

Last week College Council president Alfred Sears defended the selection process saying Dr Smith was one of four shortlisted candidates and was recommended to the Council by the Advisory Search Committee (ASC).

In its assessment, the ASC noted that Dr Smith has extensive leadership experience, impressive credentials and an in-depth knowledge of the institutional mechanisms needed to ensure peak performance levels in all areas of the operation of an academic institution.


bahamalove 10 years, 6 months ago

My God! hasn't this man been punished enough?? He is clearly qualified for the position and is a proven fundraiser for COB. We are such a messed up country where our murderers get more second chances than someone that has committed plagiarism. What this no-name BNCC need to be concentrating on is calling for the resignation of this corrupt and inept government that we have! Shame Gibson got caught up in all kind of scandals when the PLP was in power the last time and I didn't hear Snake Wilson and anyone complaining when he was made a government minister again! We have another scandal involving the signing of a letter and I don't see or hear any Coalition asking for any resignations. Ya'll get your priorities right and let the man move on with his life as President of COB.

sansoucireader 10 years, 6 months ago

No, he should not have even been considered for the job. There were three other qualified individuals without the 'baggage' he has. It makes the College look bad and everyone connected with it look bad too.

bahamalove 10 years, 6 months ago

Whatever! The entire Bahamas already look bad voting these bunch of clowns into office (10,000 jobs!). Obviously, he must be very qualified if he was still the best candidate even with his 'baggage' over his head. I respect the abilities and qualifications of the advisory board and trust that they gave his selection a lot of thought and consideration before coming to their conclusion. Let's move on to more important matters.

rosalynne 10 years, 6 months ago

As someone who knows Dr. Smith's level of professionalism, the critics should curtail their rehash of what occurred in the past until the future reveals the proof.

NewJersey 10 years, 5 months ago

Level of Professionalism??? Resigned because of a vote of 'No Confidence" This was before COB...Then find out what happened at Sunland in Freeport even earlier..8 months there....

PATRICIA ALEX, STAFF WRITER The Record (Bergen County, NJ) 01-31-2004

Ramapo College president resigns -- Competence was issue with faculty By PATRICIA ALEX, STAFF WRITER Date: 01-31-2004, Saturday Section: NEWS Edtion: All Editions.=.Two Star B. Two Star P. One Star B Biographical: RODNEY D. SMITH

Ramapo College President Rodney D. Smith, under pressure from faculty who questioned his competence, resigned Friday after little more than two years on the job.

The resignation, announced at a routine faculty meeting, came as a surprise to many, even the president's critics.

"It was a situation where I had anticipated a lot more campus support than I got,'' Smith said in a telephone interview Friday afternoon. …

rosalynne 10 years, 5 months ago

There are plenty of cases in academia in which a vote of 'No Confidence' against a dynamic and innovative leader is used as a subterfuge by faculty who refused to be challenged in order to disrupt the status quo!

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