THE Bahamas ranked 101 of 142 countries for gender equality in political empowerment, according to a global report released last month.
The country ranked 35 overall in the World Economic Forum’s 2014 Global Gender Gap Index; however, scored low in the political category due to the stark contrast between men and women in parliament, ministerial positions, and as head of state.
On the GGP score card, the country placed first in educational attainment, and health and survival, and fifth in economic participation and opportunity.
In an interview with The Tribune yesterday, Free National Movement Senator Heather Hunt said the ranking indicated the need for female politicians to mentor young women on the need to get involved in politics.
Mrs Hunt said: “People talk about gender equality, sometimes you need to look at numbers and facts to help people understand where we are. The gender gap report scores countries on the gap between males and females, and out of 142 countries we scored 35.
“At first glance,” she said, “that sounds so good and we achieved basic equality everywhere in health, education, and the economy. But our lowest score, below average in the world, was in participation of women in politics.
“All of us women who are in public life need to start making sure we carry the baton for young women to know they need to get involved in politics, that’s where we need to close the gender gap.”
audleymitchell 10 years, 2 months ago
I do not lend much credence to such evaluations. Last year there was a story (cover story, I think) in Time magazine, addressing a similar issue. The Bahamas was ranked low because we had no women in the Cabinet. The CIA World Fact Book was listed as the source. Utter nonsense.
ChaosObserver 10 years, 2 months ago
Almost EVERY study done in gender equality (regardless if its in the work place or politics) sticks it to the bahamian population for inequality. Short sighted, bigoted mindsets such as your are part of the reason....deny what is undeniable and fact....guess you think the same thing on crime too?
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