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Scenes from the 'I Love KFC' summer-long promotion prize-giving on Saturday, September 6. Photos: Lamond Johnson
BRITTANY Porter drove away in a 2014 Kia Sportage at the weekend after opening the winning box at KFC’s Grand Prize event that wrapped up its ‘I Love KFC’ summer promotion on Saturday night.
The expectant mother was speechless when she realised she had opened the winning box that held the Grand Prize envelope. Ms Porter, 22, who is due to have her baby in November, was one of ten red ticket holders randomly chosen by the KFC Prize Patrol during the popular promotion and invited to the Grand Prize event to open one of ten boxes, each containing a prize.
“I feel so excited, it feels like a dream,” said a tearful Ms Porter, surrounded by overjoyed family members and friends at the KFC Marathon location.
The grand prize, the 2014 Kia Sportage, was purchased by KFC from Sanpin Motors for the promotion. The KFC Prize Patrol team had been cruising the streets of Nassau since July, rewarding hundreds of customers who showed their love for KFC by displaying ‘I Love KFC’ stickers on their vehicles.
Customers received the tickets after purchasing any Classic Combo, Mega Deal or Sandwich Combo at any of KFC Nassau’s eight locations. Customers spotted by the Prize Patrol were given the chance to select an envelope that revealed either an instant-win prize or one of the ten lucky red tickets.
“The promotion was extremely successful and it was such an amazing way to cap it all off,” said Ash Henderson, Director of Marketing, Restaurants Bahamas. “We love showing our customers how much we appreciate them, and obviously the feeling is mutual.”
The Grand Prize event, which featured fun for the whole family, culminated with the Grand Prize drawing, which drew a crowd of supporters and curious onlookers. Only one of the boxes held the grand prize, but the remaining ticket holders did not leave empty handed.
Michelle Bowleg won an Apple iPod Nano; Levette Burrows, a Samsung Galaxy Tab 3; Angelique Roker won a 42in flat screen TV; Erica Humes, a Fitbit Flex; Quincy Lockhart, a 32in flat screen TV; Margo Mackey, a Samsung Galaxy S4; Judith McPhee won an iPad Mini; Orlando Rolle, a Toshiba laptop; and Kissie Swaby won an HP All-in-One Desktop PC.
B_I_D___ 9 years, 12 months ago
Congrats!! Now you all can pull all those damn stickers off ya car!!
Honestman 9 years, 12 months ago
Shrewd bit of marketing by KFC! Congratulations to the winner.
bahamian242 9 years, 12 months ago
Congrats to the winner, and shrewd marketing by KFC! But it was a scam, just as the Web Shops do! Things like this need to be supervised by the Ministry of Finance, and be licensed accordingly!!
Honestman 9 years, 12 months ago
You can prove it was a scam? If so, you should report it to the police.
abacogrouper 9 years, 12 months ago
Great! It looks as though someone who really needs it, finally won.
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