Tribune Staff Reporter
RESIDENTS of Coral Harbour are crying foul over the "disruptive" actions of Royal Bahamas Defence Force (RBDF) officers in their neighbourhood, close to the organisation's base.
A number of residents, who wished to remain anonymous, complained to The Tribune about "troops" who make loud noises in the residential area during the early hours of the morning, presumably while training and conducting drills.
Such activities, one resident said, have been taking place for years. But they have become increasingly more disruptive and are now occurring more frequently, he said.
"The defence force in Coral Harbour, despite repeated complaints, continue to march troops through our peaceful residential neighbourhood chanting as loud as they can at pre-dawn hours waking up anyone within half a mile of them," he said.
"5am this morning and often at hours like this on the weekends (it happens). Additionally, when the troops are coming into Coral Harbour in the morning and in particular when leaving at 5pm in the afternoon, they race through the neighbourhood at speeds that often must be exceeding 60mph.
"Someone is going to get killed. I find all this behaviour to be incredibly inconsiderate and irresponsible. The defence force brings nothing but problems to this long-established residential area. The hard working people of Coral Harbour deserve better than this. It's unbelievable that they do this in a residential neighbourhood. "
The concerned resident said he has tried bringing the matter to the attention of the area MP but has been "ignored."
He claimed that when another resident attended a scheduled meeting with RBDF commodore Roderick Bowe, Mr Bowe did not show up.
"It's been going on and off for years but seems like it's several times a week now," he said. "It doesn't matter what day it is they carry on as if it's a military zone. What I would like to see is if you want to do these exercises with your troops there are plenty places nearby where they could do it. It's just not right for them to be doing it in the streets in Coral Harbour."
Attempts yesterday to reach officials who would have knowledge of the situation were unsuccessful.
This isn't the first time residents of the area have expressed concern over matters relating to the defence force and its base, nonetheless.
Last year, residents complained that dredging activities planned for the area were set to commence without residents being consulted.
Residents complained that the dredging activities would have a negative impact on the nearby beach.
ThisIsOurs 9 years, 10 months ago
He claimed that when another resident attended a scheduled meeting with RBDF commodore Roderick Bowe, Mr Bowe did not show up.*
Hearsay,. Did Commodore Bowe have another unscheduled situation to attend to? Did he send apologies? Did he send someone in his stead?
That said, noise pollution is a problem on the whole island. Nobody should be working construction in residential neighborhoods on a Sunday. Roadworks start at 10PM and continue into the early morning hours. We need people in government who have training in public administration LAWYERS know law and they even mess that up. We have too many lawyers representing us we need a balance
Romrok 9 years, 10 months ago
I lived there from a baby until a few years ago, and traveled that road to school. We always said it was suicide to drive that road at 8:15 AM (loads of those "officers" speeding because they late) and 4:45 in the afternoon (cause they gotta leave work early to beat traffic, they government, they get paid whether they work or not) They, not all defence force, would rocket up and down Coral Harbour road to and from the base Monday to Friday. Go to the base, look at the go fast cars, they the guys to keep an eye on.
While they watching, they can check that police patrol car that likes to hang out at the bar on the beach instead of patrolling.
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