FNM ‘would reform electoral process’ if elected in 2017

Dr Hubert Minnis

Dr Hubert Minnis


Tribune Staff Reporter


FREE National Movement Leader Dr Hubert Minnis has said the FNM would reform major parts of the country’s electoral process if brought to office in the upcoming 2017 general election, adding that the power of the democracy should stay with the people.

Dr Minnis said the FNM would begin term limits for the post of Prime Minister, a recall system for members of Parliament and a primary election where parliamentary candidates would be determined by constituents.

“We want to give the power to the people, not the politician,” stated Dr Minnis during a Bain and Grants Town constituency association meeting last night.


“We will introduce term limits to your Prime Minister, so that you would know for certain that, before 10 years, I am gone. If we had term limits, we wouldn’t be dealing with Perry Christie today. He would be gone, so we will see to it that there would be no more Perry Christies. “ he claimed.

“We will also ensure that we have recall system for all Members of Parliament, so that if your Member of Parliament does not perform, you would have the authority to fire him.”

Dr Minnis also proposed that candidates vying to represent a constituency during a general election must first be endorsed through a electoral primary by that constituency prior to the general election.

The Killarney MP also

mentioned his party’s plan to establish inner city communities in New Providence as tax-free havens in an effort to spur an economic growth in these communities.

He called for the removal of real property taxes and business license fees within these communities.

Dr Minnis also called for the repeal of value added tax on breadbasket items, education, healthcare and utilities across the Bahamas.

Last night’s constituency association meeting was originally promoted as the party’s formal introduction of its Bain and Grants Town candidate Leonard Sands.

Mr Sands, like Dr Minnis, is a descendent of the Bain and Grants Town community.

The two men said the party’s economic proposals for the area aim to address the “income inequality” that has become the harsh reality for many in the community.

FNM Deputy Leader Peter Turnquest was in attendance and called for unity within the FNM.

He suggested that, as the 2017 election approaches, party members and supporters must find a way to resolve their differences.

Mr Turnquest stressed that without unity in the FNM, the country would be left to suffer five more years under the Progressive Liberal Party.

At the conclusion of the general meeting, Dr Minnis was joined on stage by all the party’s candidates ratified to date: Shanell Ferguson, Fox Hill; Don Saunders, Tall Pines; Frankie Campbell, Southern Shores; Leonard Sands, Bain and Grants Town; Dr Duane Sands, Elizabeth; Halston Moultrie, Nassau Village; Howard Johnson, South Beach; Zyndall Forbes, South and Central Andros; Michael Foulkes, Golden Gates and Romi Ferreira, Marathon; Acting Chairman Brensil Rolle, Senator Lanisha Rolle, Bamboo Town MP Renward Wells and Montagu MP Richard Lightbourn.


As the group joined hands, Dr Minnis declared that the Free National Movement was a party “together and focused” on returning the power of governance to the people of the Bahamas.

The FNM has been marred recently by in-fighting and internal issues and the party has scheduled a full national convention for November.

However, there have been calls by some party supporters for an earlier date, suggesting that November is too late to sort through the party’s issues.

The FNM is expected to choose a new chairman next Thursday.

Only former Blue Hills MP Sidney Collie and former DNA candidate for the Bain Town and Grants Town constituency, now FNM member, Rodney Moncur, JP, were nominated for the post.


sheeprunner12 8 years, 6 months ago

Many of the HAM ideas are progressive ............... but how do-able are they if it involves a Constitutional referendum?????? ................... is HAM going to just scrap the 1973 Constitution??????? ....................... this is a head-scratcher for any government to overcome because Pindling really hung a millstone around our necks in 1973

proudloudandfnm 8 years, 6 months ago

Um. This is Perry second term. So you would be dealing with him today....

And yall could hold hands all you want.

The FNM will not unite as long as Minnis is leader. We are FNM. We have standards...

Economist 8 years, 6 months ago

You are still running candidates that have lost over and over again. Looks like the PLP is sure to win.

TalRussell 8 years, 6 months ago

Comrades fast forward to the morning after the 2017 General votes have been counted. - We're sorry, but the red shirts Chairman Comrade Rodney was asked for the victory video you are trying to watch but cannot be viewed - because the red shirts were again sent packing.
Minnis tenders resignation after suffering defeat of his House seat. Party's General Council elevates Rodney to leader and Dr. Duane as Deputy Leader. Loretta becomes party Chairman.
Her Majesty ducking Leader Rodney's calls to Buckingham Palace.

Publius 8 years, 6 months ago

This moron is repeating this canned statement again, and still does not know that no prime minister has the power to simply introduce any of these things.

TalRussell 8 years, 6 months ago

Comrade him talking likes he been Trumped?

licks2 8 years, 6 months ago

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. . . coming off a good meeting to introduce his new candidate and some revolutionary events this morning in the papers. . .and he done took all the cut tail the Bobo and Toggie movie could give him. . .he lookin good!

It was strange to see that the white MP was out there to support his leader! And I don't mean the one from Abaco either! And of course, the "rude" 4 did not show up! The public is watching and will not forget how the FNM treat they man HAM! They fail to see that we don't want them for government. . .we just want the PLP gone. . . any party will do. . .BUT WE PERFER A PARTY WITH A LITTLE HEART FOR THE LIL MAN!

Taurusbull 8 years, 6 months ago

We heard this garbage before from V De people of De Bahamas. It never happened.

Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years, 6 months ago

Minnis lusts so much for political power as a means of satisfying his financial greed that he would even look his own mother straight in the eyes and lie to her if she could appear before him.

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