Minnis urges prosecution over lack of declarations

Dr Hubert Minnis

Dr Hubert Minnis


Tribune News Editor


FREE National Movement Leader Dr Hubert Minnis last night called on Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson to do her job and prosecute those members of Parliament who have not disclosed their assets to the Public Disclosure Commission.

On Monday, The Tribune revealed that at least ten MPs, by their own admission, had not filed their annual disclosures by March 1 as required by law. Yesterday, three more MPs admitted they had missed the deadline.

Two FNM MPs, Richard Lightbourn and Andre Rollins, last week revealed to The Tribune that they had not yet filed, however Dr Rollins promised the matter would be dealt with this week, while Mr Lightbourn said it was “being handled.”

“It is rumoured that the attorney general is hoping to be appointed as the chief justice,” Dr Minnis said last night. “Show what you are worth. Do your job. Prosecute those MPs who have not yet disclosed their assets to the Public (Disclosure) Commission. No member of Parliament is above the law. We want one set of laws for all of the Bahamas.”

His comments came at the Golden Gates candidate launch for Michael Foulkes at the Sybil Strachan Primary School.

If elected as the next government, Dr Minnis also said the FNM would introduce the “most aggressive anti-corruption changes ever made in our Bahamas.”

He pledged to appoint an anti-corruption task force within 90 days of coming into office. This task force will assess the public service, review anti-corruption laws and make recommendations, he said.

Dr Minnis also promised to implement an anti-corruption unit to report to an independent director of public prosecutions, with no oversight by the attorney general or political interference.

“We will implement a code of conduct for senior public officials and parliamentarians with sanctions for breaches.

We will make the Public Disclosure Commission independent and update their legislation and powers. Politicians must disclose and obey the law like everyone else.”

He also said, under the FNM, the auditor general will be given the power to report fraudulent activity to the appropriate authorities like the police and the independent director of public prosecution.

“We will make laws to protect whistle blowers in corruption matters,” Dr Minnis added.

He also advocated for the removal of value added tax (VAT) from breadbasket items, healthcare, education and utilities.

Speaking to a crowd of supporters, Dr Minnis also predicted that the constituency would vote FNM in the next election, telling those gathered that current area MP Shane Gibson “is gone.”

“We gon’ vote that baldhead out of town,” Dr Minnis told the crowd, referring to the Bob Marley song “Crazy Baldhead”.

He also urged FNMs to seize the opportunity the party has to get rid of “PLP dishonesty and crookedness.”

“We in the FNM will put an end to the corrupt practices of giving contracts only to our political friends,” Dr Minnis said. “If you are Bahamian and qualified you will have an opportunity. It’s the people’s time.”

After listing various scandals that have plagued the Christie administration, Dr Minnis urged the FNM to move forward together to unseat the Progressive Liberal Party.

“FNMs we cannot lose sight of the urgency of this moment. We cannot lose focus on the real issues we face day in and day out.

“And FNMs, I am still convinced that, if we speak with one voice, if we all move with one purpose and if we follow one vision, no one can defeat us.”


Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years, 6 months ago

Minnis can't stay on message with anything or take anything to its proper conclusion. Yesterday Bank of the Bahamas, today the financial declarations of parliamentarians, tomorrow whatever appears to be most topical in today's newspapers and on today's talk shows.

Reality_Check 8 years, 6 months ago

The fact that Minnis is always all over the map by moving from "topic du jour" to "topic du jour" without sticking with or pursuing anything to its logical conclusion speaks volumes about his ADD or ADHD type personality. This guy is no leader - he's got too many serious problems upstairs, if you know what I mean!

Publius 8 years, 6 months ago

Throwing everything at the wall hoping something will stick. One topic he wont discuss though - grouper season - because you know he wants to stay as far away from another fish debate as possible.

Fitmiss 8 years, 6 months ago

So he should just stick to one topic even though on a daily basis new issues arise? I agree he should try and bring closure or conclude a matter. Nonetheless this should not stop him or any Opposition leader from discussing and trying to bring to light any matter which concerns the public.

Publius 8 years, 6 months ago

Minnis already knew who had not filed because the report is given to both him and the Prime Minister, and the law gives him the authority to turn that information over to the AG and the Commissioner of Police. So he needs to have a stadium full of seats trying to piggyback off the Tribune's story for a headline of his own.

Economist 8 years, 6 months ago

FNM Council, please find a new leader.

sheeprunner12 8 years, 6 months ago

Minnis has always been on message with this issue of declaring one's assets .......... so leave him be ........... he is correct in calling out anyone who does not report on time.

Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years, 6 months ago

Sadly the stallion you had hoped to be riding into the next general election turned out to be a feckless donkey. Like most registered voters, you can only pray that a reputable competent independent candidate of good character wlll be running in your constituency in the next general election.....no such person will be on either the FNM or PLP tickets as these two parties tend to attract the worst sleaze our country has to offer and the DNA is irrelevant.

licks2 8 years, 5 months ago

Ah well. . .same old same old. . . HE WILL NEVER DO ANYTHING RIGHT FOR YINNA AYE? IF HE PEE. . ."HE EEN PEEIN LIKE A MAN". . .IF HE SNEEZE. . ."SEE HE SNEEZINGF LIKE A NON-LEADER". I talked to a Papa girl FNM who told me that Papa is standing behind the Doc. . .he don't think that LBT has what it takes to be PM! I then wanted to know why all the "belly aching" going on in the public"?

She told me: "WE READY NOW". . . lol!

Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years, 5 months ago

Re-post: Like so many other things he has squawked about but never followed through on to bring to their proper conclusion, Minnis ain't gonna do diddly squat even though he himself has the statutory power to move the AG to prosecute violators of the Financial Disclosures Act. Minnis will soon be harping on about the next "topic du jour"......meanwhile he has no track record whatsoever of ever having accomplished a single thing for the Bahamian people! True to form, Minnis remains perhaps the most feckless politician ever in the modern day era of politics in our country. He is a shallow man with no sense of direction or purpose fundamentally necessary to lead. Minnis is all about Minnis and therefore is a lost soul who refuses to accept he has no political or leadership skills. 2017 is not going to be kind to this man as the bell doth toll for the death of the FNM party.

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