Tribune Staff Reporter
IN THE wake of police-related shootings in the United States that have resulted in the deaths of black men, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is urging Bahamians to be particularly careful when travelling in the US.
Five police officers were killed and seven wounded on Thursday night during a protest in Dallas, Texas, over recent fatal shootings by police in Louisiana and Minnesota.
"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has taken a note of the recent tensions in some American cities over shootings of young black males by policemen," a ministry statement yesterday said.
"We wish to advise all Bahamians travelling to the US, but especially to the affected cities, to exercise appropriate caution generally. In particular young males are asked to exercise extreme caution in affected cities in their interactions with the police.
"Do not be confrontational and co-operate. If there is any issue please allow consular offices for The Bahamas to deal with the issues. Do not get involved in political or other demonstrations under any circumstances and avoid crowds."
Bahamian consular offices can be found in New York, Washington, Miami, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Denver, Chicago and Dallas.
"At the commencement of the Independence holiday weekend, many Bahamians will no doubt use the opportunity to travel, in particular to destinations in the United States," the ministry said.
"While it is prudent for travellers to conduct themselves in an orderly manner at all times, in light of recent episodes of involving police officers and young black men in the United States, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration wishes to advise the Bahamian public to exercise due care and attention especially when travelling to particular cities in the United States.
"Pay attention to the public notices and news announcements in the city that you are visiting. Be safe, enjoy the holiday weekend and be sensible."
ThisIsOurs 8 years, 7 months ago
Gee... when will the travel advisory be issued to Family Island residents for standing on the corner, traveling to the ATM or getting out of your car in the driveway in New Providence...these are long overdue no?
My2cents 8 years, 7 months ago
Very appropriate...I hope young Bahamians travelling to the U.S. take this advisory seriously.
ThisIsOurs 8 years, 7 months ago
I don't think a travel advisory was necessary, it's inflammatory, you know they'll be incensed that we did it., and why would you want that fight? They could have issued a general statement to accomplish the same thing. Our mistake is thinking we have just as much muscle as the big bad USA, we'll get squashed every time.
No I'm not saying that there's not a real danger for black Bahamians in the US, I'm saying I don't think the primary motivation for this advisory was to protect Bahamians. This was "stick it to the US" policy, and it's not wise
My2cents 8 years, 7 months ago
I'm not focusing on the intent, I could care less. Even the UN issued an advisory because of the recent events. What was their intent?
The advice expressed by the MOFA was nonetheless sound...and considering all of the protesting that went on last night well past midnight, timely as well. I am sure the Bahamian medical student who died in police custody in the U.S., and his family would have appreciated such a warning and knowing how/where to reach out to the Consulate offices for assistance.
But by all means, vent about the intent of the messager and not the substance of message which is in no way inflammatory or offensive.
ThisIsOurs 8 years, 7 months ago
I'm not "venting". I thought it was kinda funny. Like I said there's more than enough reason to warn your citizens, a travel advisory seems heavy handed. It's "stick it to the US" time. Let's see what they do when it's time to "stick it to the Bahamas"
I'm not sure we can equate the Bahamas with the UN. Just because the boss does it, doesn't mean you can do it too...without consequences
paul_vincent_zecchino 8 years, 7 months ago
The communists, spies, dope peddlers, pedophiles, gangsters and all round creeps at the UN have long been itching to get their hands on Americans' firearms so they can proceed apace with their long held plans for global tyranny and genocide.
My2cents 8 years, 7 months ago
Paranoid much?
I see why you have no problem in labeling people you don't know.
It speaks volumes about you!
My2cents 8 years, 7 months ago
I was not attempting to equate Bahamas with UN, simply saying their sentiments are the same. So regardless of intent...the comments are valid and appropriate. The U.S. has been "sticking it" to the Bahamas all along, like they do other third world countries.
Look at what they did to Haiti and some African countries under the guise of aid? Meanwhile, U.S. corporations are the only real beneficiaries? 20 years apology from Clinton for his "ignorance" at the time, free rice and second hand clothing and a prompt return to Haiti should they be caught in U.S. waters.
There is no benefit in pandering to the U.S., it will do as it pleases regardless of advisories.
ThisIsOurs 8 years, 7 months ago
Life isn't fair. Even in diplomacy. I can't say it enough, the government was completely within their right to do "something". Calling that something "travel advisory" is my only discrepancy. People in glass houses. Haiti? Look at what they did to Cuba..I agree they do as they please, that's my point, we can't.
truetruebahamian 8 years, 7 months ago
Everybody should be careful. This link is for all police recent shootings in the USA - please note that they are of all ethnicities and not only or mostly black. They shoot everybody without particular choice. See…
The majority are Native American!
paul_vincent_zecchino 8 years, 7 months ago
The guardian is known as the worlds' stupidest newspaper, and this article proves it.
Police officers in American are eighteen and one half times more likely to be shot by a black criminal than is an innocent black man likely to be shot by police.
If one complies with an officer's instructions and abstains from confrontational, bellicose speech, one will soon be on one's way after a traffic stop.
There is an agenda working here, and it's a very ugly one at that: the American Left is determined to disarm law abiding American by whatever means it can use, in order to gain the monopoly on guns.
The Left has long dreamed of taking total control of America they're so close they can taste their long coveted tyranny.
The shooting in Minnesota is now being exposed for what it was on theconservativetreehouse dot com along with AmericanThinker dot com among other sites which actually do the research, as opposed to the marxstream media which just parrots lies gassed off by the regime.
The guy who was shot in Minnesota was not an 'innocent man'. He was a suspect in an armed robbery who had his gun out, on his lap and ready to use against the police officers.
The sociopathic broad who videoed this scene oh so calmly is one stone-hearted character with a very interesting background.
The press almost got away with yet another pack of lies about innocent people shot by cops - until the Net and thousands of citizens who are sick of the corporate media's lies, blew the lid off these BS artists.
You're perfectly safe to travel in America. Cops here do not go around picking on anybody, black, white, green; they do not.
They stopped the guy in Minnesota because he fit the written and photographic description of an armed robber who was wanted on a 'BOLO' - Be On the LookOut.
He was also a member of the Crips gangster syndicate, and both his and his 'girlfriend', LusciousDiamond's social media pages are filled with pictures of them posting with drugs, guns, all the trappings of career criminals.
Forget the warning, it's BS, just this corrupt rotten regime here gaslighting people in hopes of scaring them to 'create pressure for gun control' as well as to disarm and neuter local police, so that the Chicago communist MOB crime syndicate can at last run roughshod over the American people.
DillyTree 8 years, 7 months ago
If you're so worried about Bahamas "overreaction" to US dangers, why do you write so many letters to the editor seemingly trying to influence Bahamian thought? Why do you even care if you are a US person living in MN? Worry about your own state/country -- which isn't doing so hot either! A tad hypocritical, no?
There is a real danger to black people in the US. We've seen how this plays out time and time again. The Bahamas has the right to protect its citizens who travel abroad. I don't think there's an agenda, and even if there is, who cares if It makes one young black Bahamian man more aware of his surroundings?
paul_vincent_zecchino 8 years, 7 months ago
Please feel free to cite one 'letter to the editor' of this paper which I have written. Use as much space as you need.
I do indeed post comments beneath articles of interest, as do many others, guilty as charged.
If I write letters to the editor, what's it to you? Why should you care? If you disagree, feel free to cite facts to refute my statements.
You're free to hold any opinion you wish, or none whatsoever, not my business nor is it my intent to influence opinion.
It is however a great pleasure to state truth to marxstream media political manipulations.
What does a suspect killing in MN have to do with me? Again, what's it to you? What's your agenda. Ordinarily, it would have nothing to do with me but for the fact that street agitators in high places are hoisting a local law enforcement incident to international status to foment riots and inflict crackdowns on citizens' liberty and property - that makes it my business and the business of every other citizen who values such things.
If a Bahamian citizen visits the US and goes about his business in a lawful manner, he likely will never have contact with the police; he won't even know they exist.
If a Bahamian citizen is stopped by police, say for a traffic violation, if he refrains from engaging in combat with the officer and complies with the officer's instructions, he'll shortly be on his way perhaps with a traffic citation perhaps not. He'll go home safe and sound.
Don't buy into the hysteria that is being peddled by world class leftist cynics who hope to pit one against the other to foment troubles.
You're perfectly safe in America be you black, white, blue, green, what have you.
DillyTree 8 years, 7 months ago
Mea culpa. I mistook you for a prolific letter-writer with a similar name. He writes long-winded letters from MN decrying the Bahamas in just about every way possible while spouting religious views of the right wing variety. I apologise, yet I can see why I mistook you for him.
My other thoughts stand. I have travelled many, many times in the US without incident. However, even I have had my scary cop moment. A few years back I was stopped in Texas on the interstate miles from nowhere (or so it seemed) I was speeding, admittedly, but when the officer asked if I knew why he stopped me, I replied that I didn't. He then got his partner, a female officer out of the car and they both ordered me out of the car. I did as I was asked. I was patted down and told to stand in front of the car. They questioned me some more, all the while getting more hostile. No guns, just intimidation. At one point, the male officer spat tobacco on the hood of my rental car. At no time did I resist or fail to cooperate. I was polite and answered their questions. Eventually, they must have gotten tired of the harassment, as I was given a ticket and told to go. There was absolutely no need for that kind of intimidating and hostile behaviour. I often wonder what would have happened had I been black!
Another thought -- so much of our crime is committed with guns smuggled in from the US. They are easy to get with the lax US gun laws. I really doubt the writers of the American Constitution ever meant for ordinary citizens to be armed to the teeth. Remember it was written at a time when local militias were more or less the standing army, so they relied on those people to have guns to protect the country. Maybe better control of guns in the US might help reduce our violent crime here in the Bahamas. And it might even reduce crime in the US too! But that's another topic for another day!
Clamshell 8 years, 7 months ago
There's not a city in the U.S. that is as dangerous for a black man as Nassau.
Cobalt 8 years, 7 months ago
Really? Go and visit Cassville, Missouri then. But before you do, have your loved ones plan your funeral.
paul_vincent_zecchino 8 years, 7 months ago
You mean Ferguson? Were you aware the American Communist Party along with several jihadist groups started all the trouble in Missouri, the riots? All funded by George soros?
America is one of the safest nations in the world.
Remove four northern cities all run by demsheviks, and we have one of the lowest crime rates in the world.
And as far as Nassau, my family and friends and I love visiting and do not worry one whit about criminals.
We prefer to let them worry about us.
Cobalt 8 years, 7 months ago
The Bahamian Government was absolutly justified in posting this advisory. The U.S. is constantly warning their citizens about our crime problem. They pretend as though their country has no criminal issues. Its time for them to clean their own homes before pointing fingers at ours.
avidreader 8 years, 7 months ago
The Bahamas has every right to issue such a travel advisory since the USA is a country where virtually everyone and anyone has a gun or guns. I have seen pistols carried in the open in holsters cowboy fashion in New Orleans in 1975 and in North Carolina a few years earlier. Over there you have to assume that everyone has a gun or could potentially have a gun and you behave accordingly. Unfortunately many of their policemen and women are very nervous which leads to terrible incidents. They use tasers in some cases but there are people high on drugs on whom the electrical current provided by the taser is not quite so effective.
ThisIsOurs 8 years, 7 months ago
Of course they have the right to. But it's about being wise. A document labelled "Travel Advisory" was not 100% necessary. A similar document labelled "Be careful" could have accomplished the same thing.
I recall one of the US 400 meter relay members saying ~the Bahamas likes to talk big. He said this after they beat us ..... in the Bahamas. There are some realities in this world that you have to face, life doesn't deal everyone (or every country) a fair hand. You work with what you gat, if you're weaker you have to be wiser.
paul_vincent_zecchino 8 years, 7 months ago
This is ours -
You hit it dead on the money. Thank you for stating the truth.
paul_vincent_zecchino 8 years, 7 months ago
You've seen guns carried openly? Good for you. So what? Did anyone get shot? Not really, huh?
We have three hundred million legally owned guns in the hands of about one hundred forty million lawful gun owners.
99.9999999 percent of legally owned guns will never be used in any type of crime.
Think about that.
You're being played by the gun-grabbing ghouls of the Left and their shill parrots in the marxstream media who have long schemed to disarm the law abiding, so that they can inflict tyranny.
We are one of the safest nations in the world.
truetruebahamian 8 years, 7 months ago
That is what the NRA and their backward facing republican party goons have to say about guns. Gun control is necessary.
paul_vincent_zecchino 8 years, 7 months ago
Where does 'gun control' work? Where has it accomplished anything other than rendering the law abiding defenseless so that the thugs, who always have all the weapons they need, are free to prey upon them with impunity.
This isn't about the NRA or republicans or any other red herring straw man, a favorite trick of the left.
This is about facts versus leftist lies, and the way in which History mocks the latter.
Tarzan 8 years, 7 months ago
Working well here in the Bahamas isn't it.
paul_vincent_zecchino 8 years, 7 months ago
The perp who was shot in Minnesota is now being exposed as a member of the Crips gangster syndicate. He was stopped on an BOLO - Be On the LookOut - stop because he fit the description of an thug who committed and armed robbery a couple days previous.
He had a gun on his lap and likely was ready to kill the cop, but you'll never hear that from the lying, rotten, communist rats in the marxstream media.
theconservativetreehouse dot com along with AmericanThinker dot com and other sites are exposing the truth about so-called 'police shootings of unarmed innocent black men'.
There are very few police shootings per capita, and they are with few exception justified.
There are many dead cops who gave the 'innocent criminal' the benefit of the doubt, only to lose their lives.
The politicians want riots. Americans black, white, blue and green do not.
We get along, but the politicians gain power by pitting one group against the other. And for the first time in History, thanks to the Net which exposes these lice, they politicians are having a hard time getting people to fight one another because the Net exposes their schemes.
We're a safe country. Police treat people here decently, and if you obey the laws, you likely will never have any contact with them.
If you do have contact, and you're polite and comply with their instructions, you'll suffer no harm and shortly be on your way.
My2cents 8 years, 7 months ago
"He had a gun on his lap and LIKELY was ready to kill the cop"
Wow,!!! Your comment is exactly what is wrong with America...assumptions and irrational fear of people who do not look like you. When police officers feel the same...disaster results. Did the officer pull him over because of a BOLO or an alleged broken tail light as they had done countless times before? As is a documented procedure for blacks in Minnesota since 2003...but yet to be resolved?
This man was doing what every (white) gun carrying member of the NRA does daily without issue...he was exercising his right to carry a concealed, legally permitted, weapon. AND he made that known to to the officer in an attempt to save his life. Had he known he was suspected of a crime he would not have innocently reached for his ID as instructed, and instead kept his hands in the air. So come again...? How can you possibly know that the intent of this man, void of a criminal behavior, was to kill the officer? Are you psychic or are you just paranoid of black men?
Family, friends, colleagues and even the children of the school that this man worked at for 15 years would disagree that this man's intent was to kill, over a routine traffic stop, especially in the presence of his 4 year old daughter.
Mr. Zecchino, please be serious or at least honest with your comments!
paul_vincent_zecchino 8 years, 7 months ago
Do the research on the Net, and you'll quickly see the way in which the leftist, marxstream media on TV and newspapers is playing the citizenry.
If you find my comments to be dishonest, feel free to refute them by means of facts.
This was not a routine traffic stop. Ask any policeman, there is no such thing as a 'routine traffic stop.
Every traffic stop is a surprise for the police officer who executes one.
But this particular stop was beyond that, it was a BOLO stop, or 'Be On the LookOut', for the specific reason that the dead perp fit the written and visual physical description of an armed robbery who had a couple days previous robbed a store at gunpoint in the same area.
The police knew who they were stopping: a member of the Crips gangster syndicate with a long history of troubling behavior. You can go right to his social media sites, if they've not already been taken down, and see that for yourself.
If those sites no longer stand, you can find plenty of internet sites which have preserved them, so that the citizens can bypass mainstream media lies in order to get at the truth.
You're quoting a lot of things spoon fed you by the mainstream media, things which happen not to be so. That's precisely what they want people to do in hope of sparking summer riots.
The rest of we Americans and doubtless Bahamians, black, white, blue, paisley, want nothing to do with troubles fomented by leftists and the Elites they serve.
My2cents 8 years, 7 months ago
How about you cite your source that proved the victim was a gang member. In fact comments by friends, family and co-workers say otherwise. You also claimed to know his intent was to kill...It's not possible for you to know that. He was stopped for a broken tail light and later appeared to resemble the individual the BOLO was issued for. You are simply making things up to justify the victims senseless death.
I will leave the burden of proving that you are not telling lies and making assumptions about this man on you. I am comfortable with the legitimate, and multiple, sources I got my information from.
paul_vincent_zecchino 8 years, 7 months ago
As previously and repeatedly stated, his own social media pages answer your questions in the affirmative.
If you shut off the mainstream media and its noxious 'narrative' and instead do your own research you'll shortly see how cynically you're being played.
The information is out there. All you have to do is let it in.
My2cents 8 years, 7 months ago
No they don't. We both know you are making stuff up about this man. The cop killer, who is as bad and the killer cops, was involved in gang behaviour, Philandi Castile was not. Please stop your lies and trying to paint every black man as a thug.
ThisIsOurs 8 years, 7 months ago
A Canadian ex boyfriend, once told me "racism doesn't exist in Canada", after my initial shock I started wondering what world he could possibly be living in, and the answer came, "a white person's world". "Obeying the law" is not sufficient if you're black that's true here in the Bahamas too. And don't be black and driving a honda.
Zakary 8 years, 7 months ago
This is political posturing, plain and simple.…" title="" target="_blank">US based media and commentaries are…" title="" target="_blank">going to town on this one. It was not necessary. The politics surrounding all of these events are already petty, pathetic, and stupid, why add to it?
I agree with…" title="" target="_self">ThisIsOurs.
Cas0072 8 years, 7 months ago
While I don't believe that the advisory comes from a place of genuine concern, I also believe that of the many US to Bahamas advisories. The US is constantly reminding us of their power, asking constantly, how low would you go? We have gone pretty damn low. This vain attempt at having a pair is nothing and will only appease stalworth PLPs to vote for them again.
Zakary 8 years, 7 months ago
You're right. I’ve read through many US to Bahamas advisories for my own knowledge, and it's evident that they have no real or genuine concern either. It’s all politics, that's what I think.
Flying Fred definitely thought it was a good time to stick it to them, considering all of the chaos over there atm.
paul_vincent_zecchino 8 years, 7 months ago
Zakary -
Thank you for stating the truth. Agree with your posts. Completely.
Thank you most kindly.
Cas0072 8 years, 7 months ago
The US has exploited similar opportunities to keep us and other countries in "our place", right our wrong. This advisory outward is only a blip in the sand for them, and not unwarranted, compared to the potential harm they do with similar actions based on much less. Our financial industry is in steady ruin for not taking a stand against this corporate puppet that some of you blindly regard as the bastion of democracy. If America is petty enough to respond to this, I hope that finally we would take note and want to work against cementing ourselves in the two most foreign a** kissing industries that I can think of.
ThisIsOurs 8 years, 7 months ago
He he, they are petty. Especially since they have the secret phone recordings of these officials who trying to school them. Not disillusioned about their self serving motivations a'tall.
jamesg30 8 years, 7 months ago
Nothing to Fear the Chinese are here. Maybe they will make an artificial island off the carolina shores and call it an extension of the Bahamas. Then build an air strip and harbour for battle ships. Then all Bahamians traveling in the US can have the full military backing of the Chinese to protect them. The US is terribly dangerous in major metro areas. No question. But how many Bahamians are traveling througout the US versus how many US citizens are relied upon for the survival of the Bahamian economy as visitors to island for their vacations? From a sheer numbers stand point, does it not make sense that the US issue warnings to places they know many thousands upon thousands of citizens travel to? Has the Bahamas initiated any warnings for travel to the middle east? To Mexico? To countries in Africa? I do not know the answer to this, but i would be curious.
ThisIsOurs 8 years, 7 months ago
Well I guess the only thing to do now is sit and wait for worldwide media to tear us apart. Seems like we're the only country to have issued a travel advisory, so we get the full microscope lens. A friend of mine (very knowledgeable about international relations) couldn't contain the laughter when they first read this story. Seems like another "Bahamar-ian" go out with guns blazing strategy to me.
paul_vincent_zecchino 8 years, 7 months ago
What is sounds like is the Leftist regime in America is using the PLP to issue a phony, hysterical, 'warning' in effort to 'create pressure for gun control'.
The regime tried to do this by handing thousands of guns to Mexican drug lords, so that they could blame the resulting crime wave on 'The Second Amendment and lax American Gun Laws', and thus ban guns.
But they got caught at this criminal underhanded scheme when a US Border Patrol Agent, Brian Terry, was shot dead by Mexican thugs with guns given them by our own government.
So now the gun-grabbing, genocidal Left seems to be pulling another gun-grabbing scheme, using Bahamian officials to frighten people with overblown 'warnings'.
Funny, the Left and its stooge media didn't tell the citizens the truth which the Net exposed last week:
Remember the jihadist attack on the Bataclan Nightclub in Paris last November? Guess where the guns used in the attack were traced to?
If you guessed, 'to the Fast & Furious' government gun-running scheme, you guessed right.
People are on to this evil, and they're in no mood for it, no longer buying the lies of politicians who craft their doom.
ThisIsOurs 8 years, 7 months ago
Just to be clear, I believe there is prejudice against black men in US law enforcement (even from black officers), I do believe black men are at heightened risk of death in police encounters, I just don't think this was the most effective way for the Bahamas to address it.
VDSheep 8 years, 7 months ago
Hypocrisy is the religion ' the rule of law and the way of life!
avidreader 8 years, 7 months ago
I find myself somewhat surprised (perhaps I shouldn't be) by some of the more radical comments about the media backing a campaign to disarm people in the USA and the claim that the USA is a safe country in spite of the huge number of guns in private hands. The simple fact is that while it is true that a gun is not absolutely required in order to commit murder it sure makes it a whole lot easier. Compare the murder statistics for Japan in order to understand what a more restrictive gun ownership regime can do for the crime statistics. In the USA the entrenched nature of their Second Amendment makes it virtually impossible to change the situation at this late date.
Cas0072 8 years, 7 months ago
ThisIsOurs At what point then, is it wise for The Bahamas to ever speak up on anything? There will always be the fear of economic retaliation and slander in speaking up to world powers, and that is already this country's MO. This isn't even speaking up. This advisory is about as basic as it gets and it is based on factual events that are now unfolding in the US. It urges caution, not that Bahamians evacuate. For the US gov or media to take offense (or action) in response to this would be petty and true over reaction.
ThisIsOurs 8 years, 7 months ago
As I said, I have no issue with the government issuing a statement to warn Bahamians abroad to "be careful", my issue is that that statement did not have to be labelled "travel advisory".
Just one more thing, Dateline On ID is at this minute airing an (I believe old ) episode on a murder in the Bahamas. Making the the police look extremely incompetent, a garbage man finds the bag a young girl finds a wallet all after the police have canvassed the scene. Let's wait to see who wins this foolish, totally unnecessary, media war. Oh boy...
Cas0072 8 years, 7 months ago
The Bahamas has issued travel advisories for specific cities in America before this, and most likely there is an official template on file for this purpose. This glorified press release became a side story for some news outlets in the name of full coverage, but it is still very basic. I believe the next level would be a travel warning. There is no media war. How the advisory was received fell starkly along the lines of whether people support the BLM movement or not, and some believed that specific cities should have been named.
Even if the powers that be were exceedingly pleased with all that is Bahamian, the Dateline episode you mention could be run at any time (and it has) by NBC or any of the many stations that repackage and air Dateline episodes.
Cas0072 8 years, 7 months ago
paul_vincent_zecchino You are citing what appears to be a leftover tea party conspiracy blog. None of what you said is true. Philando Castille's criminal history is comprised of minor traffic violations and he is not a gang member. The vehicle had already been stopped for the broken tail light, when the officer observed that he bore a resemblance to a robbery suspect on account of his broad nose. And none of this matters because he was being compliant in reaching for his license as instructed. A man is now dead because of one officers pre-conceived notions of black men, not to mention one who vaguely resembled an armed robbery suspect.
paul_vincent_zecchino 8 years, 7 months ago
Nice collection of Straw Man deflections. You're new to this board, aren't you?
'tea party' has nothing to do with this.
Do the research, and quit being a slave to the marxstream media's false 'narrative'.
The police officers did not stop the car for a taillight. They stopped it because the occupants fit the description of armed robbers who had a couple days previously held up a store in the same neighborhood.
The tail lights were not broken, as the female occupant, 'Luscious Diamond' falsely claimed when she took over the 'narrative' after calmly videotaping her dead 'boyfriend'.
He was not being compliant, again you are quoting the female occupant's account, an account which has already changed five times or more.
It remains unclear what the connection is between the female occupant and the deceased.
It is clear that the female occupant can be seen on social media sites in videos in which she is happily using drugs in presence of a four year old girl.
He was not reaching for his license, he had instead his gun on his lap, a clear and present danger to anyone within or outside the vehicle.
You don't know the officer's 'preconceived notions' about black or any other sort of men, as you do not know their state of mind. You are quoting nonsense from a female occupant who has rendered herself to be non-credible.
And you're allowing yourself to be played by a cynical leftist mainstream media and the leftist politicians it serves, whose goal it is to foment summer riots.
If you're happy allowing yourself to be used and abused by world class cynics who have a long history of dispensing with supporters when their usefulness ends, so be it. Good for you.
The rest of the American people are sick and tired of race-baiters in high places stupidly trying to pit race against race for their usual cynical goal of profiting from the ensuing chaos.
Feel free to refute my true statements with any facts you may gather.
vyknott 8 years, 7 months ago
Given his official position, it makes sense that Fred Mitchell issued this bulletin. However, according to FBI statistics, in 2013, for the US black/African American population - the group with the highest proportion of murder victims - the murder rate was 15 per 100,000. In the Bahamas, our murder rate was 29 per 100,000! Both too high, but I wonder if he thought of this?! Of perhaps issuing a bulletin for young males, especially, to be careful while out and about in Nassau. Perhaps his message should be: "Be safe. Visit a Family Island this weekend."
Cas0072 8 years, 7 months ago
Well, conservative is often the code word used by "real Americans" who want to make America great, i.e. white again, as well as that site's collection of lies after the fact to support killing an innocent motorist that gave me tea party vibes. I went to that site and I also went to reliable news agencies and Snopes to check on all that you said. I suggest you do the same, because your "conservative" internet blog is not a qualified source of news and apparently that makes you unable to appreciate real, verified news. Again, they are all lies or at least unfounded.
paul_vincent_zecchino 8 years, 7 months ago
OK, thank you for acknowledging by way of your prose that you're an anti-Trump, pro-Hillary activist likely paid to post this stuff.
But this is not about Trump or Hillary. Nor is it about race, and you're making it about race again indicates you're not interested in facts but rather in promoting a false 'narrative' for very questionable motives.
By the bye, 'Snopes' is long and well exposed as a leftist disinformation site funded by soros and others who's interest lies in suppressing truth and replacing it with lies.
Cas0072 8 years, 7 months ago
The thought of either of those candidates in office makes me almost as sad for the future of America as I am for the Bahamas at the thought of more years under the FNM or PLP. I don't believe that every one of these police encounters where black men end up dead are due to racism, but sometimes they are. Right now, the real facts support that this was not a justified shooting. I use facts and legitimate sources to support my opinion, not websites that support only my point of view.
Zakary 8 years, 7 months ago
I can see this becoming very controversial. These type of events bring up all manner of personal grievances.
It’s very possible that most don’t understand why this got so much attention, or the absurdity of this travel advisory.
Freddy is trying to get votes — no doubt, but this was dumb, i'm sorry. He’s now the hero for the weekend as everyone fights over who’s more or less racist than the next. Amazing.
paul_vincent_zecchino 8 years, 7 months ago
The Left always makes everything about 'race' in order to shame and silence those who expose its serial manipulations.
This was a local law enforcement action which was elevated to international prominence by the usual bunch of agitators who seek to pit one group against the other.
The problem for these manipulators is that this is 2016, not 1968, and they can no longer count on their cronies in the mainstream media to promote the false 'narrative' because the Net broke their information monopoly.
Citizens use the reach and power of the Net to bypass media manipulations to get at the truth, and the Left simply doesn't have any way to counter it.
The obvious question would be to ask, 'how many Bahamians have been killed or harmed by police in America?"
The answer likely is zero. That's the obvious, so the press gets busy, flinging out all it Straw Man diversions and distractions to confuse the public in order to suspend their ability to think, and instead get them reacting in self-destructive ways.
No good ever comes from that cynical tactic.
Thank you for stating the truth in logical, rational manner.
jamesg30 8 years, 7 months ago
Let's face it. This is the petty Bahamian goverment pulling a tit for tat with the U.S. because of their State Department warnings regarding the danger to american tourists in a 25 square mile area of a heavily american visited area of the Bahamas. The Bahamian goverment puts out a statement saying to all black bahamian men, be aware of your suroundings (for the entire massive country of the US , short of saying "when their are uniformed police around". )Like the uniformed representatives of the Bahamas that rob cell phone stores, shake down traffic violators, and yes, occassionly unjustifiably shoot bahamian young black men. Of course the investigative work, following all these instances are intense and for any and all of the public to review. Do not pick a fight with your only reliable economical life line (besides the Chinese who own all of the dirty political mover and shakers- because believe it or not, there are some very clean MP's working hard for this country who aren't padding their pockets with every project that takes place in the country). Our country better get its act together in a hurry but the level of disorganization, disfunction, corruption, incompetence, laziness, and derilict of duty, leaves me not very optimistic. How is that Ag school coming on Andros? Should be readdy for functional occupancy by the year 2020? What the hell is going on around here?
ThisIsOurs 8 years, 7 months ago
Dateline NBC is at this minute airing an (I believe old ) episode on a murder in the Bahamas. Making the police look extremely incompetent, after they've already "searched" the area, a garbage man finds the bag a young girl finds a wallet. Let's wait to see who wins this foolish, totally unnecessary, media war. Oh boy...
My2cents 8 years, 7 months ago
I've seen and been aware of repeats of that episode a few times already this year therefore, the war must have been started prior to the advisory.
ThisIsOurs 8 years, 7 months ago
Yeah and it's kicked up again. Did they perhaps air after a "travel advisory"? Who kicks a hornet's nest?
paul_vincent_zecchino 8 years, 7 months ago
Nothing political occurs in a vacuum. As Franklin Roosevelt, the grand old red conspirator said, 'if you seen a spontaneous event occur, rest assured it was long in the planning as nothing in politics is mere happenstance.
The goal is to frighten weak minded people away from the Bahamas, in order to promote Cuban tourism. Cuba and its murderous regime are the darlings of this bunch in DC, and they're pulling out all the stops to get people to visit that basket case wasteland.
Problem is, it's 2016, and citizens know all about the real Cuba from the Net, and they're not going there.
Better in the Bahamas any day. There isn't a single hotel or B&B in the Bahamas which expects guests to supply their own toilet paper. In Cuba, that's commonplace if not the rule.
And they think by telling a few 'scary' tales about the Bahamas, people will go to some country where they can't even wipe their behind without paying some communist thug?
Liberalism is truly a mental disease.
My2cents 8 years, 7 months ago
It never settled...these episodes repeat quite often if you watch enough of them. Perhaps you are now opening your eyes to what was already there?
ThisIsOurs 8 years, 7 months ago
I'd believe that if the story wasn't gaining traction in other major news media. I believe it's a ratings thing, a discussion of travel advisories from or against the Bahamas, or anything with crime and Bahamas, makes the Bahamas an interesting subject to showcase. This show is 20 years old, they should have more than enough episodes in those twenty years to occupy their time. Up until two years ago, I watched MSNBC like candy and I haven't seen this show "recently"
Anyway we"re never going to agree on this. Respect
My2cents 8 years, 7 months ago
I've still seen that episode more than enough times in less than a year to think anything more of it. The advisory story was at its peak on Friday, and already U.S. media is losing interest.
paul_vincent_zecchino 8 years, 7 months ago
This -
The marxstream media - the big networks and the mainline press - all stink.
The sooner you shut them off, they sooner the air around you will smell fresh and clean.
The mainstream media lies and citizens are on to them, their audiences are dwindling, ratings in the toilet, and no one buys papers anymore.
No one here cares what NBC or CNN or the rest of the TV carny shill 'newsreaders' say; they just pushed one lie too many.
ThisIsOurs 8 years, 7 months ago
Hmmm...your anger overrides reality sometimes. I (and obviously many others) love MSNBC and Dateline
paul_vincent_zecchino 8 years, 7 months ago
Lenin 101: dismiss facts by calling the one who states them 'angry' so that others will not listen.
Dateline lost credibility with its false reporting.
TV network newsreaders continue to lose ratings with their anti-police, pro-gangster false reportage.
Citizens are more interested in heroic people such as Ms. Shetamia Taylor, who protected her four sons during the Dallas police shootings. Today, Ms. Taylor is on praising the Dallas police officers who 'threw themselves' between the shooter and her and her four boys, to save their lives.
So much for the false mainstream media 'narrative' that 'white cops are riding around all day doing drive-by shootings of innocent black men.'
The media is playing people in a very cruel, cynical way.
Probably why so many citizens no longer pay heed to it and instead use the reach and power of the Net to get at the truth.
Americans regard BS-LSD as a joke. It has no ratings, same as CNN, and survives only because most viewers have cable and they get CNN and BS-LSD whether they want it or not, and the networks glean part of the cable fees.
Without them, they'd be off the air.
ThisIsOurs 8 years, 7 months ago
Oh Lord, Leon Bethel said "they looked in every crease and corner"
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