BAMSI building destroyed in fire to be rebuilt as co-ed dorm

The BAMSI blaze in January 2015.

The BAMSI blaze in January 2015.

THE fire damaged male dorm at the Bahamas Agriculture and Marine Sciences Institute (BAMSI) in North Andros will be rebuilt as a co-ed structure, Minister of Works Philip “Brave” Davis said yesterday.

However, he did not give a timeline for construction and completion of the building.

The dorm was destroyed by an arson attack in January 2015.

Speaking in the House of Assembly yesterday during his budget contribution, Mr Davis said BAMSI was scheduled to be completed in two phases.

Phase one called for the construction of all essential facilities, all of which are near completion.

According to Mr Davis, BAMSI’s administration building is 98 per cent completed. The contractor, Brokell Construction Co Ltd is said to be completing punch list works as building control inspections are still ongoing.

The campus’ cafeteria is 93 per cent completed. The contractor, Sydmar Construction Co Ltd is completing finishings and mechanical, electrical, and plumbing works, inclusive of air conditioning and fire protection work.

BAMSI’s classrooms are said to be 99 per cent completed, with the contractor, Maudlyn Investments Ltd carrying out a list of change order jobs as building control inspections are being finalised there.

As a result of a suspended contract, the lecture theatre at BAMSI stands only 20 per cent completed. The contract with Gimp Construction Services Ltd was suspended to allow for re-design of the project to expand the building’s use. 

The Ministry of Works is working to conclude those revisions.

“The male dormitory, which was destroyed by fire was demolished by Gaitor’s Trucking,” he said. “The contract with Paradigm Construction Co was determined. Diamond Consultants were engaged to prepare construction drawings for a new co-ed dormitory and the project is now being prepared for tender.”


ThisIsOurs 8 years, 4 months ago

How can the buildings not be finished? The school was scheduled for opening two years ago. Only one building burned down....

killemwitdakno 8 years, 4 months ago

Annoyed at how they always have different mp's releasing statements. Stick to one go to per project.

Bahamaland 8 years, 4 months ago

I believe in putting Bahamians first but has anyone ever heard of any of these construction companies? I would like to know who the principles are in these companies...

sheeprunner12 8 years, 4 months ago

Either Andros has the most incompetent contractors in The Bahamas OR the MOPW has the most incompetent oversight enforcement procedures in The Bahamas

BTW: How can Brave stand in front of the Bahamian people after 4 years and give this report about BAMSI??????? ........ he should have been jailed a long time ago for gross incompetence and/or malfeasance

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