‘Absent’ Minnis blasted

Dr Hubert Minnis

Dr Hubert Minnis

By Taneka Thompson

Tribune News Editor


CENTRAL Grand Bahama MP Neko Grant had strong words for Free National Movement Leader Dr Hubert Minnis’ performance during the wrap up of the 2016/2017 budget debate, saying the Killarney MP showed “no interest” in the head-by-head exercise and seemed unprepared.

Mr Grant, leader of opposition business in the House, said he was sure Dr Minnis had not studied the budget and that his behaviour was “most disturbing” and “disrespectful.” He also accused Dr Minnis of abandoning ship by leaving the House session around 2.30am Thursday under the guise of not feeling well as other parliamentarians stayed behind to finish the work of Parliament.

Before members of Parliament vote on and pass the budget, they routinely go through the heads of government ministries and departments, with members of the Official Opposition raising questions about matters of concern.

Mr Grant’s scathing assessment of Dr Minnis’ performance, or lack thereof, in the House of Assembly was outlined in an email to the party leader and other members of the FNM. The Tribune has also obtained the email.

“Mr Leader, you would be aware that the subject provides an opportunity to highlight the government ministers’ shortcomings and their incompetence,” the email said. “A time when we opposition members should be on our ‘A’ game ready to pinpoint and call out the government’s shortcomings, as they are never prepared for it.

“Your actions and behaviour during this exercise were most disturbing! You showed absolutely no interest in the exercise!

“Your actions, sir, gave the impression, that like them, you also were not prepared. I am convinced that you did not study the budget. This was evident as your limited participation further confirmed this. Your actions were not only egregious they were disrespectful. May I remind you a leader leads by example. A leader sets the tone and pace for his team.”

According to Mr Grant, Dr Minnis was absent from the floor of the House of Assembly during much of Wednesday’s head-by-head exercise even though he was in Parliament.

He claimed Dr Minnis “refused to return to the floor” even after FNM Deputy Leader Peter Turnquest requested that he do so.

“Your absence was so obvious that many FNM supporters watching the proceedings began messaging a number of us, as to what was going on, inquiring why you were not present on the floor,” the email said.

“You left at about 2.30am this morning (Thursday) under the disguise of ‘you were coming down with something.’ Based on my past experience, I do not believe anything was wrong with you.

“You should be aware that two colleagues, Loretta Butler-Turner, who I sent home on Tuesday because she was sick, and Hubert Chipman, who was coughing so much that the clerk brought him water, stayed until we were finished.

“Mr Leader…you abandoned ship and left your troops on the battle field once again. I say again because on many occasions when you ‘bombed out’ during embarrassing contributions, you hastily retreated to the Committee Room or your office across the street.”

Mr Grant furthered: “Sir...your behaviour and actions are unbecoming of one who wishes to lead our party and country. You missed a golden opportunity to demonstrate leadership and assist in embarrassing the PLP.”

The email ended with a postscript that said the communication was not copied to FNM Bamboo Town MP Renward Wells, “as his behaviour was similar to yours (Dr Minnis).”

The blistering attack on Dr Minnis comes weeks after six FNM MPs, including Mr Grant, wrote a letter to the party’s Central Council outlining Dr Minnis’ weaknesses as a leader.

In that memo, dated May 31, the MPs highlighted a myriad of Dr Minnis’ inefficiencies, including his failure to take command of the party “at almost every turn” despite their repeated efforts to support him.

And after four years at the helm of the organisation, the MPs said there was a growing “trust deficit” exacerbated by the “heartbreaking” reality that Dr Minnis “proved himself not to be a man of his word.”

They outlined their case to the council as they underscored the need for an early convention, which was later set for July 27-29.

Long Island MP Loretta Butler-Turner, the party’s former deputy leader, will challenge Dr Minnis for the FNM’s top post at that time.


Sickened 8 years, 4 months ago

It is OVER for Minnis. This is the last straw!

Publius 8 years, 4 months ago

This has been Minnis' performance at Committee Stage of the Budget process every single year of Opposition. Nothing new at all, which speaks to what a disgraceful state the country is in, in terms of the State of the Opposition in a democracy.

TalRussell 8 years, 4 months ago

Comrade Neko's words least you forgot's must be weighed against the backdrop of the role he been playing as one of the lead actors among the six red MP of the 'not enough balls' coup d'état failure to delivery their thrice times drafted letter up to Her Excellency, atop Mount Fritzwilliam.
Don't the six on the more embarrassing side of the argument, not realize their loss of face with their own red party's membership?
So embarrassing for Her Majesty Queen Liz to have this bunch six to still be left seated in the Honourable House of Assembly, whilst being royally sanctioned by hercolony's Governor-General, as Bahamaland's Government in waiting?
Aren't the six red MP's not acting more to prop the PLP Cabinet, than they need to be doing to keep their party alive until the 2017 General's bell does get's rungs?

Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years, 4 months ago

Minnis just doesn't have what it takes upstairs and stubbornly refuses to accept his severe limitations. God only knows how he ever made it through UWI's medical school.....he must have had friends in high places to intervene on his behalf in order to keep him enrolled in UWI's medical program. He is now a monumental embarrassment to the FNM party and our country at large. Minnis sorely lacks natural talent, smarts and good judgement.......it's therefore impossible for him to ever gain the trust of the Bahamian people necessary to be an effective leader of a political party.

Publius 8 years, 4 months ago

Indeed. Everyone who knows, knows that he cannot read the national budget, does not understand it and never has - yet wants to run the country. Mr. Christie also has serious problems with being able to process and have a handle on the national budget, but for different reasons.

Economist 8 years, 4 months ago

He has been busy trying to change the subject to hanging. Maybe he didn't realize that the topic was the "Budget Stupid".

Publius 8 years, 4 months ago

I must say though, that FNMs constantly doing this sort of thing in the press is beyond exhausting.

PastorTroy 8 years, 4 months ago

If The British Citizens Can Do It, So Can Bahamian Citizens. http://tribune242.com/users/photos/2016…

sheeprunner12 8 years, 4 months ago

The FNM delegates must do in July what the Republican delegates are also facing in the USA ....... it is a bitter pill for them to swallow and our country is relying on them to save us from imminent destruction

DEDDIE 8 years, 4 months ago

LOL. The email was not meant for Dr. Minnis. It was actually "letter to the editor" copied to Dr. Minnis. This entire fiasco is getting more and more pathetic. If you have a problem with your leader a forum has already been created to address it. I consider myself an independent voter and I find this distasteful.

licks2 8 years, 4 months ago

You bunch just sickens to dog's ears. . .ROC WID DOC. . .Lol!!

I give up on yinna. . .I am going to kick rocks. . .that's more fun than talking to yinna close minded persons. . .yall just can't stand that one "dumb" Doc done took over yall party. . . doing his own thing. . .and yinna can't get it back. . .without bringing the Papa. . .Lol!!

TalRussell 8 years, 4 months ago

Okay Comrades this is behaviour bordering on crazy house insanity.
On what authority would Her Excellency have just used her royal instruments to appoint two red shirts to the red up chamber, knowingly aware that her 'government in waiting' have become a leaderless joke?
We need to challenge the constitutionality them two senate appointments?
I mean, Loretta won't even look Minnis's way when she's seated in the people's Honourable House of Assembly.
Exactly, who in the hell is Minnis as party leader, meeting with to discuss party policies or the agendas the house?
I am dispatching my letter to Buckingham Palace cause this makes no damn 'government in waiting' sense.
What in the hell are the red MP's relying on to communicate - vulgar hand signals?


licks2 8 years, 4 months ago

I see what ya mean. . .they are beginning to look like a bunch of spoiled brats. . .now Neko Grant "jooking" doc about not listening to the budget speech and playing sick and gone home. . . and they put his peeve in the press!! Says Doc was not listening to the speech to find things to embarrass the PLP! I thought they were suppose to listen to understand the document. . .not just to "stoke" the PLP!

I hope this is not how they run a government. . .everybody saying to each other: " I een playing wid you no more". . .like a bunch of lil children!! This ger be long with this crew!!

TalRussell 8 years, 4 months ago

Comrade I am not kidding. We have a House of Assembly 'government in waiting' constitutional crisis at we nation's doorstep.
Minnis could not have approved two new senators by he lonesome and Marsh Harbour's Edison's selves. Her Excellency The Queen has more than just a United Kingdom's EU-EXIT problem that needs her urgent attention.
The laughter has long exited the once grand, powerful red shirts party. She's dead serious to be leader - regardless of the damage it does or costs the party - for Neko is but a mouthpiece being yanked by strings.

sheeprunner12 8 years, 4 months ago

John Bostwick III for next Bahamian national leader .................. he already prove that he can withstand the FNM and PLP mafia cartels

ladyd 8 years, 4 months ago

Knowing the craftiness of the PLP, how could the leader of the Opposition not be adequately prepared to participate in the budget debate? The people's money is being spent and the watchman sleeping? Doc can't be serious.

birdiestrachan 8 years, 4 months ago

Mr: Grant does not have to worry "Roc with Doc" will not nominate him. Doc is busy now running for leader of the FNM party. he has no time for the budget. John Bostwick III can not be the man who was convicted of a crime. Sheep runner think again.. Unless the Bishop of the Anglican church and Mr: Johnson the president of the lawyers association say so. I wonder if they go to courts when poor young men from over the hill are convicted.

Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years, 4 months ago

Are you covering for the fact that Minnis's mental abilities are so severely limited that he can't chew gum and walk at the same time?

licks2 8 years, 4 months ago

John Boswick III is disqualified according to the constitution. . .

ThisIsOurs 8 years, 4 months ago

Wow this is really a dysfunctional team.the last thing you do is blast an employee in front of their colleagues, and this is no ordinary colleague, this is the leader. It's uncalled for... I can only imagine what's been going on for the past four years. These people think they're showing up Dr Minnis, but they're really showing up themselves

tonymontana 8 years, 4 months ago

neko has seen the hand writing on the wall for him , and knows he is not wanted in lucaya , under a Hubert minus or a Hubert ingraham he will not get the nomination , the branch has spoken and only lorretta can save him , so he sings for his super , my advice to neko grant is take up one of those horns he dontes to the school and go blow in it , his expire date is pat due, at the last meeting held at sires he lost by a land slide,if your genrals wont walk and work for you dog eat his lunch , its time to pack up shop and go smoke yuh dutty cigar

tonymontana 8 years, 4 months ago

you cant disrespect the leader publicly and not expect him to respond in kind . hopefully when the doc wins at convention he and the others will do the honorable thing and leave , thats if they have any honer , please send us ken russell

Reality_Check 8 years, 3 months ago

The harsh reality is that most of the many voters who will not vote for the FNM candidate in their constituency in the next general election simply because they despise and loath Minnis, know that Minnis has stacked the governing council of the FNM party with members loyal to him. He has done this by promising many of them (and their family members) with welling paying government jobs and other perks should he somehow become PM. But what most of these FNM council members don't realize is that Minnis's promises of showering them with riches are about as hollow as they come because the Bahamian people would rather see the FNM party obliterated in the next general election if that is what it takes to keep Minnis from ever becoming PM. Even if the Minnis rigged FNM Council foolishly re-appoints him as either leader of the opposition or leader of the FNM party, the vast majority of voters who might otherwise support the FNM will continue to despise and loath Minnis, except that they would now also despise and loath most of the council members of the FNM party as well, and their names are floating around everywhere......and we all know what this means for the outcome of the next general election....5 more years of the corrupt Christie-led PLP government!

Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years, 3 months ago

I recently had a boil fish breakfast with two FNM council members at ....oops! better not say.....and they told me that certain of their fellow council members had been contacted by Big Bad Brad who apparently promised to shower them with riches if they continue to remain loyal to Minnis! Something is definitely amiss here if this sort of thing has indeed been happening. But I can fully understand why the corrupt Christie-led PLP government wants so badly for Minnis to remain as leader of the opposition and/or leader of the party. It's absolutely amazing what's apparently going on behind the scenes.

Publius 8 years, 3 months ago

Truth. PLP Ministers have given contracts through Minnis to council members to keep them loyal to him at the convention.

licks2 8 years, 3 months ago

That's where you lost sight of reality. . .the loathing for Doc is confined to the FNM party. . .and this site. . .Rocking Doc got the thing sewed-up out here Boo. . .you should get out more. . .GET A REALITY CHECK!!!

sheeprunner12 8 years, 3 months ago

The PLP does want Minnis to remain as FNM leader ........... but if Minnis wins the FNM convention vote, the 6 member faction against him must be prepared to step out, break with the FNM (like the Dissident 8) and appoint a leader and gain control of the Opposition in the House and PROVE to the country that Minnis is in collusion with the PLP for obvious power-sharing reasons .............. and then they must create a viable Third Party Force with the DNA and UDP to challenge the PLP and the FNM ......... the United National Movement ....... we are in dangerous times in this country with Perry and Minnis as possible 2017 PM candidates

Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years, 3 months ago

Looks like that castle in the highlands of Scotland where you and your lodge brothers occasionally gather for ceremoniously ritualistic back scratching exercises. Your dry sense of humour connects you to......

sheeprunner12 8 years, 3 months ago

The PLP does want Minnis to remain as FNM leader ........... but if Minnis wins the FNM convention vote, the 6 member faction against him must be prepared to step out, break with the FNM (like the Dissident 8) and appoint a leader and gain control of the Opposition in the House and PROVE to the country that Minnis is in collusion with the PLP for obvious power-sharing reasons .............. and then they must create a viable Third Party Force with the DNA and UDP to challenge the PLP and the FNM ......... the United National Movement ....... we are in dangerous times in this country with Perry and Minnis as possible 2017 PM candidates

licks2 8 years, 3 months ago

Forming another political party will only serve to she the selfish serving of the gang of six. . .or their leader. . .LBT! Dang. . .we only have about 350, 000 persons in this country. . .with 6 political parties. . .chill with that hear!

TalRussell 8 years, 3 months ago

Comrades! When are we, the people, going to wake up to acknowledging that the tactics of political parties have and will always leave behind bitter tales among Bahamalander's who say they have been selfishly shortchanged by whatever political party holds the instruments of governing, or as the Government in waiting?
Thousands over the past nine-plus years continue to experience tough times, and will be heading into the 2017 General, where the economic picture is looking awfully bad for them and their loved-ones. yet, petty politics continue to rue the day of the politicians.
While the politicians are playing their petty party politics on both sides of the House of Assembly's isles, the living standards and saftey of the people continues to seriously deteriorate.
This cannot be solved simply with the creation of 'yet' another political party. People Power is the one and only real answer.
Comrades, the question is, are the people ready for People Power?
Over the coming weeks and months the EXITBRIT voting results will make for an interesting People Power case study - more so by a 'colony' of the UK?

truetruebahamian 8 years, 3 months ago

Minnis, Go with God - but GO!

sheeprunner12 8 years, 3 months ago

Why are Perry Christie and Hubert Minnis hell bent on holding on to power in their parties??????

........ that should make ALL Bahamians suspicious and willing to vote BOTH out of their respective party positions ............ Both are not working in the BEST interests of our democracy at this time ............ this is a conspiracy on a national scale

licks2 8 years, 3 months ago

DANG. . .look how low this bunch done gone and sink. . .I PITY YINNA. . .save the little bit of dignity yall have left. BBB and the PLP bank-rolling the FNM delegates to vote for Minnis? What brilliant mind came up with that one? Lol! It seem over for the Butler-Sands attempt! National Review. . .which "beat-up" on Doc for years to help they "friend" LBT is calling her "Amateur hour" this morning and Papa talked up a storm about Sands saying how good of a worker he is. . .AND DID NOT SAY A WORD ABOUT OR FOR LBT! All in public! Now Brent publically "pleading" for the political life of his "crew". . .asking the Rocking Doc to not chop they heads off politically. . .that it would be a mistake to "jook them up". . .in public. . .that kind of politics is over. . .AMEN! That's one of the best thing I have heard come out of any of the politicians in any party!! Chopping off heads because people speak their minds is NOT THE WAY TO GO!! The FNM party nor this country belongs to the Rocking Doc. . .if their constituency councils want them. . .KEEP THEM!!

berryj 8 years ago

The blistering attack on Dr Minnis comes weeks after six FNM MPs, including Mr Grant, wrote a letter to the party’s Central Council outlining Dr Minnis’ weaknesses as a leader. In that memo, dated May 31, the MPs highlighted a myriad of Dr Minnis’ inefficiencies, including his failure to take command of the party “at almost every turn” despite their repeated efforts to support him. Have a look at http://www.simonsholidays.in/domestic-t…">Kashmir tour packages which you will like.

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