Minnis: Nation on course for deadliest year yet

Dr Hubert Minnis

Dr Hubert Minnis

THE country is on track to see the “deadliest year” in its history, FNM Leader Dr Hubert Minnis said yesterday as he lamented the number of homicides committed during the Christie administration’s term.

“Our country is yet again on track to see the deadliest year in the history of the Bahamas,” the Killarney MP said in a statement.

“It seems like each day more innocent lives are being taken. In just four years this government has seen more murders than the previous five years combined.

“What’s disappointing – but not surprising to Bahamians – is that the government failed to produce their crime plan in 2015 and once they finally did in February of this year, it was a series of recycled programmes that have failed to stem this growing problem.

“This government should know that you cannot fix a problem, when you keep ignoring it. Our families and communities deserve better. Their job is to protect our people and communities.

“If we are going to meet the challenges our country faces, we need leadership up to the challenge. No more failed solutions, and broken promises while our young men and women continue to die on our streets.”

His comments came a day after two men were killed in separate incidents on Sunday, pushing the murder count for 2016 to 44 for the year.

Last month, The Tribune was the first to report that the number of homicides under four years of the Christie administration had exceeded the 490 murders the PLP said occurred during five years of the last Ingraham administration. So far, there have been 502 homicides since May 7, 2012, according to The Tribune’s records.

Ahead of the last general election, the PLP placed several billboards around New Providence which read “Under the FNM government 490-plus murders”.

While in opposition, the PLP campaigned that it had the answers to crime and murder while the Ingraham administration did not.


birdiestrachan 8 years, 5 months ago

Maybe one day Dr: Minnis will see the light and he will come to the knowledge that this crime problem is not a PLP problem, or FNM or DNA problem it is a Bahamas problem. when the PLP posted the signs of the amount of killings under the FNM. They were wrong. and if Dr: Minnis is looking for something to hang on to it should not be that. Mind you that Fish story has not helped you in any form or fashion.

John 8 years, 5 months ago

UNFORTUNATELY statics do not support Mr. Minnis' contention that this will be the "deadliest year in its history. The first four months show that murders have declined by 4, compared to last year (first 4 months in 2015 had 48 murders, compared to 44 this year). This is an 8.3% decline in murders and if the trend continues throughout the year the murder count will be around 135, which will be 11 less than 2015. While this number of killings is still 'bloody high for a small country, like the Bahamas it will be a step in the right direction. It will be unfair to say murder is increasing if it is not. But the next 4 months will determine that for certain.

asiseeit 8 years, 5 months ago

The sad fact is there is only a slight rule of law in The Bahamas. Our politicians have taught us that a misdeed here or there is really of no consequence, it should be expected. A corrupt government brings about a corrupt country, murder is a by product of this fact. People are taking the law into their own hands, they feel they have no other recourse or they disregard the law utterly. This country needs a steady hand at the wheel but we know that is a distant dream.

John 8 years, 5 months ago

What Dr. Minnis and every other Bahamian need to address is why so many Chinese are working behind the green screen at ,'The Pointe', while so many Bahamians sit idle and unemployed. The Chinese are about to start on the hotel/shopping complex proper and it is obvious they intend to continue with Chinese labor while Bahamians remain unemployed. This is what helped bring Bah Mar to a squelching halt (because the China Bank refused to dismiss the China Construction Company). Don't allow history to repeat itself. Don't allow Chinese to repeat history and construct this project without a significant number of Bahamians being employed. The British Colonial is suppose to be one of the most historic sites in downtown Nassau, both by being former Fort Nassau and a historic hotel. So who else feels deeply offended when both the Eastern and Western ends of the property is embellished in Chinese writing. And the average Bahamian (myself included) do not know what ithe writing says.

cmiller 8 years, 5 months ago

I can't believe politicians are STILL blaming another party for the crime!!!! Don't these jackasses get it????? CRIME IS NOT A POLITICAL PROBLEM.

licks2 8 years, 5 months ago

Blame Brave for that. . .in 2012 he had it as his truth. . .he insisted that the then government was responsible for crime. . .THE PLP WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CRIME. . .WE CAN HOLD THE NEXT GOVERNMENT FREE FROM RESPONSIBILITY FOR CRIME. . .BUT THE PLP ARE STUCK WITH THAT MONKEY ON THEIR BACKS!


TruePeople 8 years, 5 months ago

He means the gov't this year is the worst in Bahamian history (and it looking like it gone get worse)

cmiller 8 years, 5 months ago

I agree with that, but he is just pointing out something we know. Why doesn't he outliner his strategy for combatting crime..might be more useful to us than this drivel.

TruePeople 8 years, 5 months ago

Probably gone go with the current strategy --- Blame the Commissioner

sheeprunner12 8 years, 5 months ago

The murder count is a mute point ............. the country has far greater issues than murder because the sad truth is that the majority of the murder victims seem to be known to each other and the perp(s) ............. but what about the infrastructural, political, legal and economic challenges that we have that not even the recent State of The Nation Report is not willing to admit needs a dramatic shift if the country is to become more "progressive" ......... the best national development plan alternative may have been presented by BJ Nottage and the CDR a long time ago (late 1990s), but BJ and the CDR are both politically dead now

licks2 8 years, 5 months ago

Country has issues, infrastructural, political, legal and economic challengers. . . all need a dramatic shift. . .to become more progressive. . .WHERE IS THE PLAN. . .JUST LIKE THE GOOD DOC WAS TOLD SHUT THE HELL UP AND GIVE HIS STRATEGY FOR CHANGE!

Classic "parry-and-switch" polemic tactic used so much by Richard Dawkins in his numerous debates! But in reality ya saying nothing. . .just telling me not to listen to the other guy!

Yinna just keep "licking" every thing the doc do or say and you yourself in reality a have no difference in contrast to the claims of doc. . .yinna continue to claim to be different, better or smarter but I see no contrast in yall planning approach compare to the traditional approach to planning in this country. Yinna "jook-up the other guy" approach have kept several key characteristics of the traditional planning approach used by our leaders in the past. THEY THINK THAT IF YOU HAVE A BIG MOUTH AND CAN RUN YA MOUTH YOUR ARE A GOOD LEADER. . .TO HECK IF YOU ARE NOT A STRATEGIC PLANNER OR GOOD ADMINISTRATOR!

Adopting a strategic planning approach is not just talking about "making things different" but implies a more fundamental challenge of building up a new management culture based on values of participatory decision making, accountability, openness and team work.

This shows that leadership is going to take more than a dang big mouth, talking good and playing politics. . .strategic planning approach is the best right now for this "conch salad" nation we have here. . . MAYBE THATS WHY DOC HAS THAT COUNCIL YALL ALWAYS TALK ABOUT SO SEWED-UP. . .HE HAS THE ART OF WAR DOWN "PAT".


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