Student gives gifts to kids affected by hurricane


Hannah Edomwonyi, head girl, Nicholls Town Primary School and a displaced student of Lowe Sound Primary School, Andros. (2nd line from left) Cardinal Woods, Principal, Nicholl’s Town Primary School and; Ta’Rah Neymour, Principal for Lowe Sound Primary School, North Andros.

A KIND-hearted sixth grade student from Andros has brought joy to displaced children from Lowe Sound Primary School in the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew by presenting gifts at a special assembly at the North Andros school.

Cognisant that these are tough times and that children are hurting and may not know where to turn or how to ask for help, the founder of Dolls and Trucks for Tots in Andros, Hannah Edomwonyi, head girl of Nicholls Town Primary School, set up the charity in December to solicit donations of toys.

The occasion brought joy and hope to the school population after Hurricane Matthew led to many of the children losing their homes, pets, cherished personal items and toys. They saw firsthand collapsed and damaged buildings, including their school and familiar surroundings.

Ms Edomwonyi told the children who had lost their homes she could not understand how they felt because in Nicholls Town she was not affected as much.

“Only you can tell me what it feels like,” she said. “So I would like to encourage you all to stay strong and never give up. And finally, enjoy the toys and Merry Christmas from Dolls and Trucks for Tots.”

She also thanked Roberts Furniture in Nassau for agreeing to be a collection point for the charity, Jack Moree of Sandy’s Ltd for his donation of toys, Terrice Curry of the Ministry of Education for her assistance in the drive, Nicolette Archer and the students of St Anne’s School for their donations and others who supported the cause.

In attendance at the assembly were Leonard Dames Jr, assistant administrator for North Andros; Michelle Bowleg, chief district education officer for North Andros, Central Andros and the Berry Islands; Gabrielle Romer, chief district social worker for North Andros, Central Andros and the Berry Islands; Ta’Rah Neymour, principal for Lowe Sound Primary School, North Andros; Cardinal Woods, principal for Nicholls Town Primary School; and Rev Fr Jude Edomwonyi and April Edomwonyi, parents of Hannah.


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