THE Director of Labour yesterday hailed the success of his department’s latest job fair, with major New Providence employers having identified dozens of potential hires.
Robert Farquharson told Tribune Business that roughly 1,100 persons attended the job fair at Golden Gates Park, and said: “The southwestern job fair was extremely successful. We were very pleased with the results. We saw almost 1,100 persons attend the fair. We would have registered over 200 new applicants.”
Mr Farquharson added: “Atlantis would have pre-screened 332 persons, interviewed at least 150 on-site and already identified 77 of those persons for second interviews, with the view of hiring them in the food and beverage and house keeping departments.
“Fidelity Bank also interviewed a number of persons, and identified 14 vacancies they hope to fill from those interviews. IMAX interviewed over 200 applicants. They are looking to hire between 200-300 persons in food and beverage and catering. They indicated to us that they had identified over 100 persons and, once background checks are complete, they would look to hire those persons. Super Value was out there and they would have identified 24 persons to be hired as cashiers immediately. The Bahamian Delight Restaurant would have hired 12 persons on the spot.”
Mr Farquharson said there were other businesses pleased with the turnout and quality of applications. He added that the Labour Department was still looking into how many persons would have secured employment through the job fair, given the need for employers to carry-out their background checks first.
Giordano 6 years, 11 months ago
That's the problem: the mighty background checks and that implies exclusion hence too many disenfranchise youngster on corners or side of the streets mostly in the ghetto,in many occasions accompanied by old daddies consuming illegal substance like marijuana and also alcohol in the open in complacent with law enforcement officers who fail to re-inforce the law furthermore frequency wrong approach. That's also against current laws to drink alcohol beverages in public area without proper permission,if anyone wants to drink or consume any illegal drugs,you do it in your yard,house(private property) or go to a bar but not in public. Also many of them spoil young adults drivers without license driving vehicles for years. I wonder how so many fatal victims of hits & run. It is a total disaster under the watch of newly elected officials which are orfan in human values like integrity,accountability,civism,etc.etc. Sad to say that the future of this nation is not in the hands of the youth,actually they are sick and ,desperately needs help, not exclusion. We all need transparency in the gov. as a tool to deal with any problem in this almighty Bahamas where we pledged allegiance to the country first above any elected government which didn't comply with "Public Disclosure Act" and furthermore created their own pledge about covering the wrong doing.
Giordano 6 years, 11 months ago
The future of this nation is in the hands of education. Attention to the current Minister of education.Did you hear me? Stop patching schools,build new ones and be on the right side of history,do the right things even when nobody is watching you. Decrease the high percentage of teachers without proper,professional title to teach (University title) and pay them accordingly with dignity & respect. Also resolve the seeking answer : why education in The Bahamas stop in grade twelve? If the parents of a younster who finished school,in the family Islands,are not ready financially for college or university. What the youngster will do? More than likely,he will add himself to the not so young "Farmers" of marijuana already established deep in the bushy and lonely area,far from the road,where they left a car to the view of the road users for days,used as a point of landmark that only associates will know. That youngster will be lost in the world of crime,victim of irresponsible gov. who didn't know how to fulfill campaign promises about transparency act,Public Information act,Public disclosure act and All good act.
Giordano 6 years, 11 months ago
When we build new schools,properly equipped with professional staff and top of the line infrastructure with all the necessary space and amenities,we are spreading the bread of wisdom,education,development and "GROWING" which is the only thing in the world that guarantee and SECURE better days ahead into a whole higher level of development and long lasting prosperity...
Giordano 6 years, 11 months ago
When we build new schools,properly equipped with professional staff and top of the line infrastructure with all the necessary space and amenities,we are spreading the bread of wisdom,education,development and "GROWING" which is the only thing in the world that guarantee and SECURE better days ahead into a whole higher level of development and long lasting prosperity...
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